Bhartiya Rail Bijlee Company Limited – BRBCL Recruitment BRBCL/ KBUNL/ NPGCL Recruitment 2017. 75 Posts. Last Date 26 April 2017

BRBCL/ KBUNL/ NPGCL Recruitment 2017. 75 Posts. Last Date 26 April 2017

Advertisement No. 01/BRBCL/KBUNL/NPGCL
Inviting Applications for the post of Diploma Trainees

Bhartiya Rail Bijlee Company Limited (BRBCL), is a subsidiary company of NTPC LTD. with an under construction capacity of 1000 MW in the Aurangabad district of Bihar.
Kanti Bijlee Utpadan Nigam Limited (KBUNL), is a subsidiary company of NTPC LTD. with a capacity of 220 MW and an under construction capacity of 390 MW at Muzaffarpur, Bihar
Nabinagar Power Generating Company Private Limited (NPGCL), is a Joint Venture company of NTPC LTD., NPGCL and BSPGC Limited with an under construction capacity of 1980 MW.

Applications are invited from energetic young Diploma Engineers with brilliant academic record to join BRBCL, KBUNL and NPGCL through a common written test and a common skill test. The final placement of the candidates in these companies shall be done on merit-cum-choice of the selected candidates, which shall be final and immutable once the offer of appointments are issued.

Candidates may note that the recruitment of Diploma Trainees is being done exclusively for BRBCL, KBUNL and NPGCL. The selected candidates shall have no claim in NTPC Limited, whatsoever. The candidates will be permanent employees of these respective companies.


*Mechanical ( 29 ) *Electrical ( 28 ) *C&I (16) *Civil (2) – Total 75


Selected candidates will undergo training for a period of 1(one) year in the company in which they are placed, and will be paid a consolidated stipend of Rs.15,500/- per month. On successful completion of training, these candidates will be absorbed in the pay scale of Rs. 15500-3%-34500/- (W7 grade, Jr. Foreman / Jr. Controller / Jr. Work Assistant) in their respective company. They shall be regularized on the rolls of their respective organization after successful completion of their training. Selected candidates shall be governed by the service rules of the company in which they are placed viz: BRBCL/NPGC/KBUNL.

a.Commencement of online Registration of application by candidates: 27.03.2017
b.Last date for online registration of application by candidates: 26.04.2017
c.Downloading of Admit card with Roll Number, test centre name and Guidelines.05.05.2017 TO 28.05.2017
d.Written Test  : 28.05.2017 (Sunday)