sher e kashmir university agricultural sciences technology Assistant Professor posts at SKUAST Kashmir.

Assistant Professor posts at SKUAST Kashmir.

[box type=”info” align=”aligncenter” class=”” width=””]Assistant Professor-cum Junior Scientist Eligibility : M Phil / Ph.D Location : Srinagar Last Date : 03 Apr 2017[/box]

Advertisement Notice No: 01 of 2017 Dated: 13-03-2017

Assistant Professor-cum Junior Scientist recruitment in Sher-e- Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology

1. Assistant Professor-cum Junior Scientist (Fish Endocrinology)
No. of vacancies : 01

2. Assistant Professor-cum Junior Scientist (Toxicology)
No. of vacancies : 01

3. Assistant Professor-cum Junior Scientist (Limnology)
No. of vacancies : 01

4. Assistant Professor-cum Junior Scientist (Aquaculture)
No. of vacancies : 01

5. Assistant Professor-cum Junior Scientist (Fish Breeding)
No. of vacancies : 01

6. Assistant Professor-cum Junior Scientist (PHT)
No. of vacancies : 01

7. Assistant Professor-cum Junior Scientist (Fish Biochemistry)
No. of vacancies : 01

8. Assistant Professor-cum Junior Scientist (Fish Parasitology)
No. of vacancies : 01

9. Assistant Professor-cum Junior Scientist (Gear & Craft)
No. of vacancies : 01

10. Assistant Professor-cum Junior Scientist (Sericulture)
No. of vacancies : 06

11. Assistant Professor-cum Junior Scientist (Vegetable Science)
No. of vacancies : 02

12. Assistant Professor-cum Junior Scientist (Statistics)
No. of vacancies : 01

13. Assistant Professor-cum Junior Scientist (Forestry)
No. of vacancies : 02

Qualification Essential : I. i. Master?s degree with minimum 55% marks or equivalent grade in OGPA or equivalent postgraduate qualification in the concerned/related subject ii. Ph. D degree (with course work) in concerned/related subject as prescribed by the UGC (MSP) 2009 Regulations. iii. NET or at least two full length publications having a NAAS rating of not less than 4, on the last date of submission of application. OR II. i. Master?s degree with 55% marks or equivalent grade in OGPA or equivalent postgraduate qualification in the concerned/related subject ii. Ph.D degree (without course work) in the concerned/related subject for candidates having completed their Ph.D prior to implementation of UGC (MSP) 2009 Regulation. iii. NET (NET or at least two full length publications having NAAS rating not less than 4, on the last date of submission of application instead of NET at II (iii)above for the discipline of Sericulture) NET shall be exempted for the candidates registered for Ph.D prior to July 11, 2009 subject to the condition that: a. Ph.D degree of the candidate awarded in regular mode only; b. Evaluation of the Ph.D thesis by at least two external examiners; c. Open Ph.D viva-voce of the candidate had been conducted; d. Candidate has published two research papers from his/her Ph.D work out of which at least on must be in refereed Journal; e. Candidate has made at least two presentations in conference/seminars, based on his/her Ph.D work (a) To (e) as above are to be certified by the Vice-Chancellor/Pro-ViceChancellor/Dean (Academic Affairs)/Dean (University Instructions)

Allowances and provident fund : As admissible under rules.

Age : Not less than 20 years and more than 55 years as on 01-01-2017.

Fee : A non-refundable Application Fee of Rs. 2000/- (Rupees two thousand only) in the shape of Bank Draft pledged to Comptroller, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Kashmir, Shalimar Campus, Srinagar 190025, Kashmir.

Hiring Process : Written-test

Job Role: Teacher / Trainer

Candidates should apply in the prescribed application form, complete in all respects duly supported with attested copies of all certificates and testimonials obtained by the candidate before last date of receipt, should reach the office of Registrar, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Kashmir, Shalimar Campus, Srinagar 190025, Kashmir J&K, along with a non-refundable Application Fee. Last date for receipt of Application Form in the Registrar?s Office (by hand or by post) : 03rd, April 2017.

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