skuast 2 Advertisement for the filling up of various Non-Teaching posts at SKUAST

Advertisement for the filling up of various Non-Teaching posts at SKUAST

Online Applications through University website are invited from the domiciles of UT of J&K and UT of Ladakh, for filling up of the following posts:-

S.No. Post No. of posts Category Minimum qualifications
1 Technical Assistant (Agronomy) Pay Band Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200(PR) 01 Open Merit-01 i. Master’s Degree in concerned subject of Agriculture or Allied Sciences with at least 55% marks or equivalent OGPA/ CGPA.
ii. Essential qualification at Graduation level: B.Sc Agriculture
2 Programme Assistant (Computer) Pay Band Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200(PR) 02 Open Merit-01


i. Master’s Degree in concerned subject with at least 55% marks or equivalent OGPA/ CGPA
ii. Essential qualification at Graduation level: B.Sc Computer Science/BCA/B.Tech/B.E Computer Science
3 Programme Assistant (Agro Forestry) Pay Band Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200(PR) 02 Open Merit-01


i. Master’s Degree in concerned subject with at least 55% marks or equivalent OGPA/ CGPA
ii. Essential qualification at Graduation level: B.Sc. Forestry/B.Sc. Agriculture/ B.Sc. Horticulture
4 Programme Assistant (Vegetable Science)Pay Band Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200(PR) 01 Open Merit-01 i. Master’s Degree in concerned subject with at least 55°/o marks or equivalent OGPA/ CGPA
ii. Essential qualification at Graduation level: B.Sc. Agriculture/B.Sc. Horticulture
5 Stenographer Pay Band Rs. 5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs. 2400(PR) 04 Open Merit-02



i. Graduate

ii. Shorthand speed of 50 words and typing speed of 30 words per minute

iii. 06 months certificate in Computer Application a recognized Institute.
Type test shall be conducted on computer keyboard only.

6 Accounts Assistant Pay Band Rs. 5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs. 2800(PR) 01 Open Merit-01 i. Graduate,
ii. Preference will be given to those having experience in any recognized organization.

Candidates selected for the post of Accounts Assistant shall have to undergo a training course for a period of one year (comprising theoretical training for six months and practical training for six months) during which they shall be paid a stipend of 6000/- P.M. They shall be granted Pay Band ?5200-20200 with Grade Pay of <2800(pR) after completion of one year training course as described above. During the period of probation, they shall have to qualify the ACC examination within the prescribed period failing which their future increments shall be stopped till they pass the requisite examination.

7 Field-cum-Laboratory Assistant Pay Band Rs. 5200 with Grade Pay Rs. 1900(PR) 01 Open Merit-01 Essential

TDC Part-I (10+2) Science group with 50% marks (Relaxable to 40% in respect of . reserved categories) preferably with one year’s training from a recognized institute of Agriculture/ Horticulture & allied fields.
Candidates with Bachelors degree in Agriculture/Animal Husbandry/Home Science/ Agricultural Engineering/and other professional fields or with Master’s degree in a specialized subject shall also be eligible for the post of Field-cum-Laboratory Assistant/Live Stock Assistant and if selected shall directly appointed in the Pay Band Rs. 5200-20200 with Grade Pay of 22400(PR).

Candidates selected by direct 8.recruitment for the post of Field- cum-Laboratory Assistant and Live Stock Assistant shall have to undergo apprenticeship at various Farms/Laboratories of the University for a period of two years. Provided that the candidates who have already undergone one Year’s training in Agriculture/Horticulture/ Animal Husbandry and Allied fields in a recognized institute or hold B.Sc. Degree shall undergo apprenticeship for a period of one year only. The apprentices shall have to pass a test prescribed by the University in order to complete the apprenticeship satisfactorily. The period of apprenticeship shall be extendable by six months in special cases where a candidate fails to complete the same satisfactorily subject to a maximum of one year. Candidates failing to complete the apprenticeship satisfactorily within the prescribed time limit shall forfeit their claim for appointment and their apprenticeship shall stand terri noted at the expiry of the stipulated period.

During the period of apprenticeship, the candidates shall receive stipend @ Rs. 3000/- P.M. The stipend will be debited to the salary head of account of the particular post against which the apprentice is adjusted

8 Driver Pay Band Rs. 5200 with Grade Pay Rs. 1900(PR) 02 Open Merit-01


i) Matric
ii) Valid Driving License
(Heavy Passenger Motor Vehicle)
9 Tractor Driver Pay Band Rs. 5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs. 1900(PR) 02 Open Merit-01


i) Matric
ii)valid Tractor Driving license

Note: Tractor Driver will also drive all other farm machinery equipment’s/moving machines etc.

Date of Commencement of online application form: 09/04/2022 

Last date for submission of online application forms along with the prescribed fee: 30/04/2022

Application fee:
Fee Payable:
Rs.700 (Seven Hundred Only) per application for General Category etc.
Rs. 500 (Five Hundred Only) per application for SC,ST,EWS & PwD Categories.
Fee can be paid only through Net banking, Credit and debit Card

General Conditions:

  • The posts advertised through this notification are available at various Units of SKUAST-K in the UT of Ladakh. The selected candidates shall have to serve in the UT of Ladakh only and they shall  have no claim for transfer to the constituent Units of SKUAST-Kashmir in UT of J&K.
  • The service conditions including mode of appointment shall be governed in accordance with the SKUAST-K Statutes and rules of the University as are in force with amendments or as may come into force from time to time, together read with provisions of J&K CSR, wherever applicable at the time of appointment.
  • A candidate seeking His/her consideration under any reserved category/ must be in possession of Valid category certificate as on the cutoff date of the submission of online application forms Category certificates issued after the cutoff date shall in no case be entertained.
  • The last date for receipt of Application Forms, as stipulated above, shall be the cutoff date for determining the eligibility for the post. Any qualification/experience acquired thereafter shall not be considered.
  • The application will be accepted in the prescribed format in online mode through University website only. No other means/mode of application will be accepted.
  • The applicants shall carefully fill the details in the online application form and the information/details so submitted shall be treated as final for the purpose of determining eligibility of the candidate and no claim, whatsoever, on this account, shall be entertained subsequently.
  • Only relevant qualification(s) including category status etc. should be recorded in the Application Form, which shall be in possession of the candidate on or before the last date of receipt of Application Form.
  • Canvassing by any candidate in any form will render him/her disqualified for the post. Candidates are advised to preserve a printout copy of the filled application form for any future reference/Clarification, in case, such need arises.
  • The original certificates and testimonials which are in possession of the candidate on or before the last date of receipt of Application Form(s) shall be required to be produced by the applicants at the time of verification of documents, as and when notified by the university.
  •  The candidates may note that their candidature will remain provisional till the genuineness of their qualification/category certificate(s) is/are verified by the university.
  • The number of post(s) indicated here-in-above is/are tentative and subject to increase or decrease at the sole discretion of the University at the time of appointment.
  • The University reserves the right to withdraw or defer filling up of any or all post(s) advent :ised here-in-above at any stage without assigning any reason(s) thereof.
  • In-service candidates shall be required to submit Applications Form through proper channel, which should reach in the office of Registrar, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Kashmir, Shalimar Campus, Srinagar within 30 days after the last date of filling of application form i.e. 30-04-2022.However, Advance Copy may be submitted through online
    mode by/or before the last date prescribed in the Adverti serpent.
  • The intending eligible candidates, who wish to apply for more than one post, must submit separate Application Forms along with the prescribed fees for each post.
  • In case the number of candidates is much larger, short listing of the candidates will be followed in the manner/ratio as may be decided by the University for appearing in Written[Trade test/
  • The selection procedure including short listing of candidates besides syllabus for written test shall be notified separately and shall be available on the University Website:
  • Candidature of any candidate, found indulging in an irregularity/Misconduct/Malpractice, at any stage of the selection process, shall be cancelled forthwith and such candidate shall be debarred from the future examinations and any other action as deemed appropriate under rules shall also be taken.
  • The candidates shall necessarily indicate their active Mobile No. and the e-mail address in; the relevant column of the Application Form for any communication/clarification, from the University, failing which the University shall not be held responsible for any lapse.
  • No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for participation in the test or interview (selection process).
  • In case of any dispute, any suit or legal proceedings against the University, the jurisdiction for such proceeding shall be restricted to the Courts at Srinagar, UT of J&K.
  • Candidates, in their own interest, are advised to keep visiting University Website for updates in this regard.


Last Date to Apply: April 30, 2022

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