jkspdc 149 posts advertised by J&K State Power Development Corporation. Last Date 05-09-2017

149 posts advertised by J&K State Power Development Corporation. Last Date 05-09-2017

Applications on prescribed Format are invited from the permanent residents of J&K State for their appointment against following posts on Contractual basis for a period of 2 years after which the appointees shall be considered for regularization subject to their satisfactory performance in accordance with the policy adopted by the Corporation. The application Forms duly filled in should reach the Corporate Office at Srinagar or Jammu within 31 days after the publication of this Notice.

2. Breakup of the posts, Educational qualifications, age limit etc. are given in the attached PDF.

4. AGE AS ON 1.1.2017

(a) Minimum age: 18 years.
(b) Maximum age as under:
1. General category 40 years
2. Physically Handicapped 42 years
3. Members of SC/ST/RBA/ALC/OSC 43 years
4. Candidates already in Government Services/PSUs 40 years
5. Ex-Servicemen 48 years

Note: candidates holding contractual appointment in the Government or in any PSU shall be deemed in-service candidate for upper age limit provided that their contractual appointment subsists on the date of the publication of this advertisement notice, who may apply through proper channel if desire so.

After the selection, the candidates can be posted anywhere in the projects but the male selected candidate shall have to first serve for 5 years and female candidates for 3 years at the locations where they may prefer to be posted out of the below given Projects in order to meet staff shortage at these locations:-.

Serial No. Name of Project
1 Baglihar HEP
2 Sawalkote HEP
3 Kirthai I/II HEPs
4 Lower Kalnai HEP
5 Ladakh Region
6 Parnai HEP
7 PMDP Projects

The candidates will exercise their option in the application form regarding their selection/appointment in the Projects as listed above. However JKSPDC shall be free to post these engineers & other technical personnel at locations where requirement is acute even after the mandatory initial posting period of 5 years & 3 years is over.

Application Forms can be downloaded from JKSPDCL corporate website www.jkspdc.nic.in under the “Appointments and Postings” section. Application forms are also available from JKSPDCL Corporate Office, Exhibition Road, Srinagar and at Camp office Ashok Nagar Satwari Jammu on working days also. The application forms can be either submitted at Corporate Office Srinagar/ Camp Office Jammu on all working days with a cash payment of Rs. 200/- or despatched via speed post /Registered post alongwith a Demand Draft of Rs. 200/- pledged to General Manager (Accounts) Corporate
Office Srinagar/Camp Office Jammu.

4. JKSPDCL shall not be responsible for any postal delay or loss of applications.

5. A photograph to be affixed on the Application Form. The copies of following certificates are to be attached with the Application Form (Not Scanned One).

i. Date of Birth Certificate;
ii. Permanent Resident Certificate;
iii. Valid category certificate if any;
iv. Marks certificates of prescribed qualification.
v. Experience Certificate if any;

6. The JKSPDC Management reserves the right to reject any or all applications or cancel the selection process without assigning any reason.

7. Candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of screening test, weightage assigned to merit for the Qualifications and called for interview in the ratio of 1:5 (i.e No. of posts: No. of candidates).

[button color=”red” size=”medium” link=”http://jkspdc.nic.in/notification_files/appointments/2017/Notice_4323_33.pdf” icon=”” target=”true”]Click here for full job notification[/button]