finacle 1000 Finacle Commands/Menus

1000 Finacle Commands/Menus

Hey again!

In practice, we hardly use 50 or so commands/menus of finacle in day to day  business dealings. However, you will be amazed to know that finacle is much more sophisticated than that. There are menus that can reduce your working time considerably and give you better control over what you are doing. Today, we list out 1000 finacle commands/menus that might make your life easier as a banker.

Please note that all commands might not be available to you due to data center restrictions.

AAAR Anywhere/ATM Advice Reconciliation This option is used to respond to advices for ATM/Anywhere transactions, where IBR is not implemented and there is a need for reconciliation.
AALI A/c Abnormal Limits/Details Inquiry This option allows you to inquire on abnormal transactions in the customer  office account/s.
AALM A/c Abnormal Limits/Details Maintenance This option is used to modify the A/c  Name, A/c Short  Name and abnormal transaction limits for a customer as well as office account/s.
AASETUP ATM/ANYWHERE SETUP Using this option, user can setup the ATM/Anywhere module of Finacle.
ABH Initiate After Business Hours Process This option is designed to help run certain jobs after business hours.These jobs perform operations depending upon the customer account balances and the account attributes like temporary overdraft (TOD) granted on the account, transferring funds from flexi fixed deposits (FFD)to operative account, etc.
ABMR Report of Accounts Below Min Balance This option is used to print a report of all accounts belonging to SBA, CCA, CAA and ODA scheme types that were below the minimum balance limit for any specified duration.
ACACCR Interest Accrual For Accounts This option allows you to calculate interest accrual for all the accounts as per specified criteria. It also generates a success or failure report.
ACBOOK Interest Booking For Accounts This option allows amortization / booking of interest for accounts.
ACCBAL Components of Account Balance Inquiry This option allows you to inquire on the components of the balance available for an account.
 ACCREV Foreign Currency Account Revaluation This option allows you to:
§ revalue the account without changing the rate code
§ change the rate only
§ revalue the account and change the rate for further calculations
ACDET Account Balance Details This option generates account balances of term deposit accounts that match the selection criteria.
ACDMTR A/Cs Due For Mid Term Review This option is used to inquire or generate a list of accounts for which review is due between any specified period.
ACFCTM Account Filtration Criteria Maintenance This option allows you to specify selection criteria for generating reports.
ACI Customer Accounts Inquiry This option is used exclusively for inquiring into customer accounts.
ACINT Interest Run For Accounts This option allows you to calculate payment / collection of interest for accounts.
ACLCM Account Label Code Maintenance This option allows you to define Account labels.
ACLHM Account Limit History Maintenance This option allows you to modify limits such as sanction limits, drawing power limits, DACC limit, etc., of an account.
ACLHMAU Account Limit History Maintenance This option is used to authorize modifications to sanction limits.
ACLI Account Ledger Inquiry This option allows you to inquire into the status of an account, providing you with various basic details like balance details and account status.
ACLPCA Customer Account Ledger Print This option allows you to print a ledger of account details for a set of customer accounts based on selection criteria such as GL Subhead, scheme code and currency.
ACLPOA Office Account Ledgers Print This option is used to generate the account details ledger for office accounts based on the selection criteria.
ACM Customer Accounts Maintenance This option allows you to maintain details of existing accounts except for interest and limit details.
ACMAU Account Maintenance This option allows you to authorize modifications made using the ACM option.
ACMDB Office Account Maintenance This option is used to open and maintain details for office accounts and authorize account opening, maintenance and closure.
ACMP Account Master Print This option is used to generate the customer master based on the specified criteria.
ACPF Update Account Purge Flag This option is used to update the purge flag field in GAM table, based on the Account ID or Customer ID and inquire on the status of the Purge flag.
ACS Account Selection This option allows you to retrieve a list of accounts based on the criteria specified.
ACSBIO Account Shadow Balance Inquiry This option is used to inquire into the shadow balance of an account created by outward clearing instruments.
ACSP Account Selection Print This option allows you to print a list of accounts that have been selected as per the specified criteria.
ACTI Account Turnover Inquiry This option allows you to inquire into the turnover of each account for a particular period.
ACTM Foreign Agent Code Maintenance This option is used to maintain a list of codes for foreign agents.
ACTODI Account TOD Inquiry This option allows you to inquire into the TODs issued for an account.
ACTODM Account TOD Maintenance This option is used to create a TOD, cancel a TOD, modify a TOD or inquire into the TODs for a specified account.
ACTODMAU Account TOD Maintenance This option allows you to authorize TODs and also verify the modifications made to TODs using ACTODM option.
ACXFRSC Account Transfer Between Schemes This optiuon allows you to transfer accounts from one scheme to another in the same context sol.
ACZDB Close Office Account This option is used to close an office account.
ADDPST Maintain PST Table (Add) This option is used to add correction entries of purchase/sale details for a given transaction.
ADDRM  Name and Address This option is used to maintain the  Names, addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, etc., of the customers.
ADMIN FAB Admin Using this option the DBA can perform the following activities in Finacle@Branch, to facilitate user activities:
§ Change Finacle@Branch status to off line/online
§ Change BOD date
§ Reset User Session
§ Change offline debit limit
ADVC Print DR/CR Advice to Customer This option is used to print advices, based on the criteria specified.
AFI Audit File Inquiry This option allows you to inquire on details of modifications made to the tables in the Finacle database, in which information on transactions and operations on accounts is stored.
AFINQU Audit File Inquiry This option allows you to inquire on details of modifications made to the tables in the Finacle database, in which information on transactions and operations on accounts is stored.
AFP Audit File Print This option allows you to generate a report of modifications made to the tables in the Finacle database, in which information on transactions and operations on accounts is stored.
AFPU Audit File Purge This option allows you to purge audit records.
AFSM Account Freeze Status Maintenance This option allows you to freeze or unfreeze all accounts of a customer, change the freeze reason code and the freeze code of accounts that have already been frozen using this option.
AGCLS AGCL Schedules Print This option can be used to generate head office transactions.
AGTM Agent Master Maintenance This option is used to refer to the records of all agents maintained by a particular bank.
AHLETGEN Ad hoc Letter Generator This option allows you to generate a letter once the template has been created.
AICR Advanced Interest Collected Report This option is used to generate a report on advanced interest collected.
AINTPRG Interest Purge For Accounts This option allows you to purge the interest details of the accounts that satisfy the conditions as per the selection criteria.
AINTRPT Interest Report For Accounts This option allows you to print a report for interest collected from or paid to customer accounts.
AITINQ Account Interest Details Inquiry This option allows you to view interest details of an account like the interest accrued, interest paid, interest collected, etc.
ALM Account Lien Maintenance Using this option, you can place and release User Defined Lien on accounts of SBA, CAA, CCA, ODA, BIA, FBA, or TDA scheme types.
ALMSP Agricultural Loans Master Sheet Print This option is used to print the master sheet of all the agricultural loans.
AMHOA Amortization History Of Accts This option is used to generate a report of amortized interest for accounts specified in the selection criteria.
AMHOB Amortization History Of Bills This option allows you to generate a report on the amortization history of a bill.
ANWADM Anywhere Administration This option facilitates the user to administer log files and login to the Operating System and save, print or delete files.
ANWBI Anywhere Balance Inquiry This option allows you to inquire on customer account balances in other branches in a distributed database environment.
ANWCT Anywhere Cash Deposit/Withdrawal This option allows you to process both cash deposit and withdrawal transactions by the customer, using ANYWHERE BANKING services.
ANWPRT Pending Transaction Report This option allows you to generate a report of all pending transactions at a specified time for a branch.
ANWPTH Anywhere Pending Transaction Handler This option allows you to restart Anywhere transactions that have failed mid-way and track the state of the transaction and the reason for its failure.
ANWSIGI Anywhere Signature Retrieval This option allows you to inquire on the Signature of customers of other branches in a distributed database environment.
ANWSTATI Anywhere Statement Inquiry This option allows you to inquire on Anywhere transactions.
ANWXFER Anywhere Funds Transfer This option is used to transfer funds between accounts in different branches.
APHM Account Placeholder Maintenance This option allows you to create and maintain placeholders.
AR System Reconciliation This option allows you to initiate the system reconciliation process.
ASM Approved Security Master Maintenance This option allows you to maintain the approved securities for a bank.
ASMCU Consolidated Updation for Securities This option allows you to consolidate the updation of the drawing power, based on the changes done to the value of security.
ASMUPL Mass Security Upload This option allows you to upload the market value of securities from a flat file using remote workflow.
ASPROV Parameters For Asset Provisioning This option allows you to carry out asset provisioning.
ASSCR Asset Classification Report This option is used to generate the asset classification report based on the criteria specified.
ASTI Amount-slab Table Inquiry This option allows you to inquire into amount slabs maintained for various charges.
ASTM Amount-slab Table Maintenance This option is used to define the charge amount based on various slabs used in the calculation and collection of charges.
ATI Abnormal Transactions Inquiry This option allows you to inquire into abnormal transaction details based on the criteria specified.
ATMADM ATM Administration This option allows you to administer log files created in the working directory of the module user.
ATMCM ATM Controller Table Maintenance Finacle provides an interface called ATM Controller which allows information regarding transactions from ATM’s to be routed to the Finacle host or data center through the Service Delivery System. This option is used to control the information to be passed to the ATM’s from Finacle.
ATMDESP Start ATM Despatcher All ATM transactions are posted by a batch process called Despatcher, which picks up the transactions logged into the MQT for posting. The Despatcher is automatically invoked at the time of SOL EOD and ATM Central BOD, which can also be initiated separately by invoking this option.
ATMM ATM Table Maintenance Whenever a new ATM is added, it is necessary to make an entry in the ATM table. This option is used to enter details in the ATM table.
ATMONL Start Online ATM Services This option is used to switch ATMs to the online mode.  It is usually invoked after the reconciliation process is completed.
ATMRECON Start ATM Reconciliation The reconciliation procedure is invoked automatically during EOD. This option is used if the process is to be invoked before EOD.
ATMSKIP Skip ATM EOD/BOD Jobs There may be cases when EOD/BOD processes are not proceeding satisfactorily, as in the case of network errors. This option can be invoked to inquire into and skip selected ATM jobs in the EOD/BOD processes.
ATMSTOP Stop ATM Services This option is used to suspend ATM services and is usually required before the reconciliation process is initiated.
ATMTA ATM Cash Deposit Authorization This option is used to authorize cash deposits made at the ATM’s and must be invoked before EOD, so that the Despatcher can post the deposits made on a particular day and the PBF reflects correct account balances.
ATO Account Turnover This option updates the account turnover of the respective account based on the frequency and date indicated for all the accounts during the day.
ATOR A/Cs Turnover Report This option is used to generate a report on the account turnover statement, based on the criteria specified.
ATR Acted Transactions List Report This option generates a report of the transaction entries, which are created, on responding to IBR. Transactions created may be in entered or posted state along with their status figure in the report.
AUTOREG Auto Regularization This option is used to regularize the shadow balances automatically for a particular SOL Set ID.
BARINFO BAR Information Generation This option is used to generate Bar Advice Report information for a selected zone.
BARIOR BAR Inward/Outward Register This option is used to print status reports of inward and outward advice requests.
BARPTS Bank Advances Reports This option is used to generate report on the details pertaining to any advance released by the bank.
BBTD Batch/Block Tickets Display This option is used to view batch and block ticket details for a selected zone.
BCCALC Batch Charges Calculation Some event types, for which the bank levies charges, are not dependent on any user action, for example, charges which are applicable over a period of time. This option is used to collect such charges as a batch process.
BCREPORT Bankers Cheque Recon Report This option is used to print a bank and branch-wise list of DDs/ bankers’ cheques that are reconciled or un-reconciled by the bank based on the criteria selected.
BCSI Bills/Chqs Covering Schedule – Inter Br This option is used to generate letters for the Bills/Cheques Inter-Branch Covering Schedule for selected bills.
BCSO Bills/Chqs Covering Schedule – Inter Bk This option is used to generate letters for the Bills/Cheques Inter-Branch Covering Schedule for selected bills.
BDISCREP Bills Discrepancy Report This option is used to generate a report where discrepancies are noticed.
BDR Review Of Pending And Dishonored Bills This option is used to generate a report on pending and dishonored bills.
BDTR Bills Due Today But Unpaid This option is used to generate a report of bills that are due today but have not been paid as yet.
BEHI Bills Events History Inquiry This option is used to view the history of events for a selected service outlet and bill.
BGCLOSE Guarantee Close This option allows you to close guarantees that are linked to bills with status as Invoked or Reversed and zero contingent liability.
BGLIMIT Limit/Guarantee wise Utilization Report This option generates an utilization report of bank guarantees based on criteria specified.
BGJQM Background Job Queue Maintenance Using this option, you can maintain background job queues.
BGM Budget Maintenance Reports can be generated to compare the budgeted business of the bank and the actual business. This option allows you to maintain the required record of budget amounts for each subhead and for each month of the year.
BGMARGIN BG Margin Printing This option generates a report of the margin details for bank guarantees.
BGPRINT   BG Printing This option is used to print Bank Guarantees on the basis of various criteria.
BGSTMNT Statement of Guarantee This option generates a statement of all guarantees as per the specified selection criteria.
BGUPL Guarantees Upload This option uploads bank guarantee details.
BI Bills Inquiry This option is used to inquire on bills. It fetches a list of bills based on the criteria specified. You can view the  bill details by pressing [Explode] on any selected bill ID.
BIACCR Interest Accrual For Bills This option generates a report of the details of interest accrued for bills.
BIAIL Acceptance Intimation to Lodging Branch This option is used to generate acceptance intimation to the lodging branch based on the specified criteria.
BIBOOK Interest Booking For Bills This option allows you to book the interest accrued or amortize the advance interest collected and generate a report on the same based on the specified criteria.
BICN Interest Calculation – Non Bill by Bill This option is used to calculate and collect the interest for all bills, where upfront interest has not been collected. This will be based on the indicators specified at the account level.
BICR Bills Interest Collected Report This option is used to print a report on the interest collected for selected bills.
BICS Bills Collection Schedule Using this option you can generate a report on the bills that have been scheduled for collection.
BIDUMP Inland Bills Dump This option is used to generate a dump file containing details for bills matching the specified criteria.
BIID Bill Intimation to Drawee This option allows you to send an intimation letter to the drawee of the bill.
BIIDU Bill Intimation to Drawee (Usance Bill) This option allows you to send an intimation letter to the drawee of the usance bill.
BINAL Non Payment Advice to Lodging Branch This option allows you to send a non-payment advice to the lodging branch.
BINRD Non Payment Reminder To Drawee This option allows you to send a non-payment reminder to the drawee of the bill.
BINTPRG Interest Purge For Bills This option is used to purge the interest details of Bill IDs that satisfy the conditions as per the selection criteria.
BINTRPT Interest Report For Bills This option allows you to generate a report giving the details of interest collected/paid on a bill.
BIPAD Payment Advice to Drawee This option allows you to send a payment advice to the drawee of the bill.
BIRAL Realization Advice to Lodging Branches This option allows you to send a realization advice to the lodging branches.
BIRCL Bills Return Covering Letter This option allows you to send a return covering letter for the bills.
BIRPC Realization Proceeds Covering Letter This option allows you to send a covering letter for the realization proceeds.
BJE Batch Job Executioner This option facilitates parallel processing of jobs for all service outlets that belong to a SET ID.
BJSINQ BJS Inquiry This menu option facilitates inquiry on batch jobs based on the criteria specified.
BJSTI BJS Table Inquiry This menu option facilitates inquiry on a specific batch job.
BJSTM Table Maintenance This option facilitates the setting up and maintenance of a batch job.
BKTI Bank Table Inquiry This option allows you to inquire into details of the bank and the respective code.
BKTM Bank Table Maintenance This option allows you to setup and maintain bank codes.
BLRTI Bills Register Type Inquiry This option allows you to view details for a selected bill register type.
BLRTM Bills Register Type Maintenance This option is used to define a Bill Register Type, which will be later used in Bill Parameter Maintenance.
BM Bills Maintenance This option facilitates Inland bill related operations.
BMCM Bills Message Code Maintenance This option allows you to maintain the Bills Message Codes.
BMUPL Bills Upload This option is used to upload Bill details.
BOTC Back Office Transactions Creation This option is used to book profit / loss for cross currency transactions which have taken place during the day, and must be executed before EOD process.
BBOTC Batch Back Office Transactions Creation This option is used to book profit / loss per transaction for a currency pair which have taken place during the day for a set of Sols, in a batch.
BP Bills Printing This option allows you to print a list of inland bills that have been selected as per the selection criteria. You can define as many reports as possible and generate as per your requirement.
BPMI Bills Parameter Master Inquiry Bill parameters are set up for a Register and Sub-register combination. This option allows you to view the parameters that have been set up for a selected Register and Sub-Register combination.
BPMM Bills Parameter Master Maintenance This option allows you to maintain and define various parameters for inland bills.
BR Balancing Report This option is used to generate the Balancing Report at the GL Subhead level for any given date (less than the BOD Date).
BRACS Account Selection – BancsRemote This option allows you to retrieve information based on various criteria for a specified group of BancsRemote customer accounts.
BRBPR Balancing Report – Bills Purchased This option is used to generate a balancing report for purchase bills.
BRCHQUPL Cheque Book Details Upload This option is used to upload details of chequebooks that have already been issued to customers through BancsRemote.
BRCLUPLD Clearing Transaction Upload Maintenance This option is used to upload outward clearing transaction data for a specific zone for cheques lodged in BancsRemote..
BRCR Balancing Report – Collection This option is used to generate a balancing report on the outstanding bills that are sent for collection. This report contains details like, the total number of bills sent for collection to other banks, the amount of the bills.
BRCUS Customer Selection – BancsRemote This option allows you to retrieve information based on various criteria for a specified group of BancsRemote customer accounts.
BRDCMAPI  Inquiry On Branch to Data Center Mapping This option is a background menu option and it allows you to view the datacenter code  of a branch for a particular bank and branch combination.
BRDDISS BancsRemote Upload of Issued DDs This option is used to upload all the DDs that have already been issued and printed through BancsRemote to Finacle. The charge part transactions should be done as per the charges collected in BancsRemote.
BRDNLD BancsRemote Download of Tables Using this option, you can downloads BancsRemote related data.
BROPEG Batch Review Of Pegged A/Cs and RPC Disbursements Interest rates can be pegged for a specified duration at the customer and account levels. The system automatically reviews the pegged account. This is done as a batch job during EOD (provided it is setup), where a new interest table code is inserted with the interest valid on the new peg date. This option allows you to run the batch job.
BROWSE Browsing of IBR file received This option is used to mark a particular transaction for posting or otherwise.
BRRBPR Bills Register Report – Bills Purchased This option is used to generate a Bills Register for purchase bills.
BRRCR Bills Register Report – Collection This option is used to generate a Bills Register for collection bills.
BRSM BRS Table Maintenance The branch parameter table is used to setup and maintain IP address for a branch.
BRTI Branch Table Inquiry This option allows you to inquire into details of a branch, such as the  Name of the branch, short  Name, address etc.
BRTM Branch Table Maintenance All branches of a bank that may be referred to have to be defined. This option is used to create a branch record and maintain it.
BRTTUM Transfer Transaction Upload Maintenance This option is used to upload the BancsRemote-related transactions into Finacle.
BRTTUMP Transfer Trans Upload Maint.(Posting) This option is used to upload the BancsRemote-related transactions with status as ‘posted’, into Finacle.
BRUPLOAD Customer / Account Master Upload This option is used if customer records and records of savings and current accounts related to BancsRemote are to be uploaded into the system.
BRUPLTAM Term Deposits Master Upload This option allows you to upload details of the term deposits master received from BancsRemote.
BRV Bills Reversal This option reverses any verified event, provided the status is not closed, to a step further than from where it has come.
BSR1 BSR1 Basic Statistical Return- PART I/II This option allows you to generate a report giving the details of sanction limits granted to various customers.
BSR2B BSR2 Basic Statistical Return-2 PART B This option is used to print details of TDs in the local (home) currency as per the criteria specified. This displays a currency code and constitution-wise consolidated figure of the outstanding amount and number of accounts for the specified time range.
BSR2C BSR2 Basic Statistical Return-2 PART C This option generates a report giving the details of TDs under the NRE and FCNR schemes.
BSR3 BSR3 Adv against selected securities This option generates a report displaying the total advance taken against a pre-defined set of securities.
BSTM Branch Sds Maintenance The SDS ID is a four-digit service delivery system identification code. Each SDS machine that belongs to the bank should be allocated a unique number. This number should be entered in the SDS IPADDR table, using the SITM option and the Branch SDS table using this option.
BTM Back Dated Transactions Maintenance This option allows you to enter, maintain, post and authorize transactions that are back dated.
BTP Batch Transactions Posting This option allows you to post transactions in a batch.
CAAC Close an Account This option allows you to close a customer account.
CAACAU Close an Account This option allows you to authorize customer accounts that are closed.
CABR Co-accepted Bills This option is used to generate a report on co-accepted bills.
CACC Closure of Account Charge Collection This option allows you to collect all charges that are pending before actually initiating the closure process of an account.
CAMC Change Account Manager of Customer This option is used to change the account Manager for a particular customer or all customers assigned to that account manager.
CANSM Finacle Security Mgmt this option allows you to reset the oracle user password. This optionreplaces the seed file and resets the oracle user passwords once executed.
CARM Cards Account Relation Maintenance The Bank issues ATM cards to customers and each branch can support many types of cards. A customer can have more than one ATM card, each of which can be linked to one or more accounts. Details of the accounts in a particular branch, linked to ATM cards must be maintained and this option allows you to maintain such details.
CASHDEP Cash Deposit This option allows you to deposit cash in an account.
CASHWD Cash Withdrawal This option allows you to perform cash withdrawal transactions for customers cash withdrawal requests.
CB Cancel BAR This option is used to cancel a Branch Advice Request for a selected zone.
CBM Customer Becoming Major This option allows you to update the status of a minor customer to major when he attains majority and generates a report of the same.
CBOD Initiate BOD Central Process This is a process carried out at the beginning of each working day at the datacenter.
CBP Cheque Book Printing (Range of Accounts) This option allows you to print the account number and account Name for chequebooks issued for a range of accounts.
CBR Cash Balance Report This option is used to generate a report on the cash balances for SOLs or SOL SET ID.
CCA Change Customer ID of the Account This option allows you to change the customer ID to which an account belongs.
CCM Carrier Code Maintenance This option allows you to maintain all the approved Carrier Codes of the bank.
CCMUPLD Central Customer Master Upload This option uploads the file containing accounts that are to be considered for PBF extraction. It also displays the list of accounts whose status has not been updated due to various reasons, like pending verifications, account opening not authorized, account closed.
CCO Centralized Clearing Operations This option allows all routine back office operations related to outward clearing, like opening a zone, generation of BA(R), release to shadow balance and regularization can be done at a central place for a given set of service outlets.
CCS Changing Context Service Outlet This option allows you to change the context service outlets to carryout that sol specific activities.
CCST Close Cash Transactions This option restricts users from entering any further cash transactions for the day.
CCUPW Change Customer Password This option allows you to maintain the password assigned to a customer who use the customer terminals for the services provided on the terminals.
CDCIADM CDCI Administration This option allows you to facilitate administration of the log files and to login to the Operating System and save, print or delete files.
CDPBFEXT CDCI PBF Extraction This option allows you to extract PBF and THF files.
CDRTLD CDCI Rate Details Download This option allows you to download the latest rate details known to the bank, and is executed as module user CDCI.
CDSTUPD Send CDCI Control Message This option allows you to display the present DC status and accepts the new DC status. The status of a datacenter can also be changed using this option.
CEOD Initiate EOD Central Process This option is a process carried out at the end of each working day for a Data center.
CFLM Carry-Forward List Maintenance This option allows you to maintain the Standing Instructions Carried Forward List.
CFLSIBR Creation of Files for Sending to IBR This option allows you to generate a sequential list of all inter-branch transactions executed for a specified date.
CFTM Customer Facility Maintenance This option allows you to link a particular customer to a facility.
CHBIR Cheque Book Issued Register This option generates the cheque book issue register. It keeps a track of the number of cheques issued and the person/party to whom they have been issued.
CHBM Cheque Book Maintenance This option allows you to maintain cheque books issued to account holders, changes the status of a cheque from Issued but not acknowledged to Unused or Acknowledged, cheques can be marked as undo caution, caution or destroyed.
CHBMAU Authorizing cheque book Maintenance This option allows you to authorize the entries made while maintaining cheque books.
CHCS Cheques Collection Schedule This option allows you to generate the covering schedules for cheques sent for collection, based on the specified criteria.
CHGIR Charges Income Report This option generates a report of charges collected based on specified criteria.
CHQISS Cheque Book Issue This option allows you to issue a chequebook to the customer.
CHQUPLD Cheque Book Details Upload This option allows you to upload the details of chequebooks that have been issued to customers.
CIPPRPT Customer Interest Pref and Peg Report This option generates reports of accounts or customers, whose accounts are pegged and due to be reviewed within a specified period.
CLBAP Clearing BAR/Advice Printing This option allows you to print/reprint the BARs/Advices for any outward clearing zone.
CLCM Charge Level Code Maintenance This option allows you to maintain discounts on charge amounts offered to the customer at each part transaction level. This discount is based on the charge level code specified at account/customer level.
CLSEXP Batch Closure of Export Orders This option allows you to close the export orders in batches.
CLSLAA Batch Closure of Loan Accounts This option allows you to facilitate batch closure of loan accounts.
CLSPCA Batch Closure of Packing Credit Accounts This option allows you to facilitate batch closure of Packing Credit accounts.
CLUPLD Clearing Transaction Upload Maintenance This option allows you to upload outward clearing data for a specific zone.
CLZCM Clearing Zone Template Maintenance This option allows you to set up outward clearing zone template.
CMMI Common Message Modification Interface This option allows you to facilitate customization process for the User Interface parameters of Finacle to the required language. CMMI also modifies messages that have already been translated to some other language.
CMTI Common Message Translation Interface This option is used to translate messages such as Exception, Error, NAPI Error, Help and EXE messages for the first time.
CNCLFWC Cancellation of Forward Contracts This option allows you to cancel an existing O/S, forward contract fully or partially.
CNCM Country Currency Maintenance This option allows you to define and maintain currency codes.
COLA Charge Off / Reversal of Loan Account This option allows you to write off Loan accounts that have not been repaid and reverses accounts that have been wrongly written off.
COMR Commission Report This option allows you to print a report of commission payable to an agent, based on the criteria indicated.
CONBAP Consolidated BAR/Advice Printing This option allows you to consolidate and print a set of similar HO transaction advices or advice requests.
CONSCHK Consistency Check This option allows you to check for inconsistencies in the various modules of Finacle.
COUNTRYM Country Code Maintenance This option allows you Maintains a list of codes for various countries.
CRNPOS Position of Currency This option allows you to inquire into the position of currencies.
CRT Create and Update Reversal Transaction This option allows you to reverse any transaction that has been posted in the system and updates the reversal status.
CSE Changing Service Outlet For An Employee This option allows you to to change the service outlet ID of an employee and all User Ids assigned to that employee.
CSFB Creation of Sequential File for a Branch This option allows you to create a sequential file for previous dates at the IBR Center and sends it to each destination datacenter / branch.
CSOLOP Close SOL Operations This option enables you to close all SOL operations.
CSPW Change System Password This option allows you to Change the system password applicable only for character mode login.
CTCM Clearing Transaction Code Maintenance This option allows you to facilitate in setting up transaction codes for clearing.
CTDPUR Cumulative Tran Details (CTD) Purge This menu option allows you to purge all transaction records satisfying the given criteria from the Cumulative Tran Detail (CTD) table. The corresponding entries in all the additional detail tables are also be deleted.
CTI Calendar Table Inquiry This option allows you to inquire into the details of a calendar for a particular city / branch / IBR center set up.
CTM Calendar Table Maintenance This option allows you to set up a calendar and define declared holidays and working days for each month of the year.
CTRA Credit Transaction Report For An Account This option allows you to generate reports of credit transactions in an account.
CTTM CTT Table Maintenance This option allows you to Maintain records with different transaction limits for each ATM card.
CUACLI Inquire on Your Account Ledger Entries This option allows you to facilitate inquiry into the status of the customers’ accounts.
CUBI Bills Inquiry This option allows you to display general bill details.
CUIR Customer Interest Report This option allows you to generate and print the Customer Interest Report.
CULAC Customer Accounts List This option allows you to inquire into the status of the customers’ accounts.
CULI Customer Unutilized Limit Inquiry This option allows you to inquire into the account-wise limits sanctioned to a customer, the available amount, the utilized and the unutilized limits.
CUMAILL List for Mail This option allows you to invoke the User Message Lookup functions.
CUMAILM Mail Maintenance This option allows you to maintain the User / Customer Messages.
CUMI Customer Master Inquiry This option allows you to inquire into details of a customer.
CUMM Customer Master Maintenance Using this option you can maintain all general information related to a customer such as currency details, NRI Details, trade Finance details, etc and also inquire upon the standing instructions, asset details, ATM card – Account linked details, etc, related to the customer.
CUMP Customer Master Print This option allows you to sort and generate a report on Customer details, which is selected by specifying a criteria.
CUPW Change Your Password This option allows you to maintain the password assigned to the customer. This password can be changed by the help of this option.
CUS Customer Selection This option allows you to list all the existing customers who belong to a particular range or group, as specified in the criteria.
CUSTBALP Customer Balance Printing Using this option you can print the balance amount in a customer’s account.
CUTXTMNT Text Maintenance Using this option you can maintain messages, instructions, list of documents related to a customer.
CVDOR Changing Value date or Reject Instrument This option allows you to change the value date of an instrument whose balance has been regularized through the Auto Regularization process.
CXFT Close Transfer Transactions This option allows you to stop employees from entering any further transfer transactions for the day.
CYCM CYC Table Maintenance This option allows you to Add, modify, delete and inquire into details regarding a combination of currencies.
DAM Deposit Accounts Maintenance Using this option you can make changes to Deposit Accounts can be made. This option provides access to Flow Details and Scheme Period Details screens.
DCEXPLST Report on Expiring Documentary Credits This option allows you to generate reports of DCs that have expired.
DCGPR DC General Purpose Report Printing This option allows you to print a report of a DC or a set of DCs that can be used for general reference purposes.
DCLIABRG Documentary Credits Liability Register This option allows you to print the liability against a particular DC or a set of DCs.
DCPRINT DC Printing This option allows you to generate letters to be sent to the advising bank for Foreign and Inland DCs.
DCQRY Query on Documentary Credits This option allows you to inquire on the status of a DC.
DCQRYM Query and Modify Documentary Credits This option facilitates you with an on-line query and supports modifications of the status of one or more DCs.
DCREG Documentary Credits Register Printing This option allows you to print a report for a particular DC or a set of DCs. A set of DCs may be selected based on the DC number, party code, currency, and a range of dates between which the DCs were lodged.
DCRM Documentary Credits Register Maintenance This option allows you to define and maintain DC Register types.
DCRPTS DC Reports and Advices This option allows you to generate letter and advise to be sent to different banks associated with the DC, the beneficiary and the opener of the DC.
DCSTMT Statement of Documentary Credits This option allows you to generate the statement of Documentary Credits based on the criteria specified. You can also specify the type of DC that you require in the report.
DCTM Data Center Calendar Table Maintenance This option allows you to set up the calendar of the datacenter.
DDADV Entry Advice Date for Ex-Adv Payment This option allows you to enter the date of receipt of the advice for DD payments that are made ex-advice.
DDBP Demand Drafts Batch Printing This option allows you to print the selected DDs in batches or in a serial format.
DDC Cancellation of a DD This option allows you to Cancel a DD
DDD Issue of duplicate DD This option allows you to Issue a duplicate DD in place of a DD that has been reported lost.
DDIC DD Credits Inquiry This option facilitates inquiry into DD credit transactions, based on various parameters.
DDID DD Debits Inquiry This option facilitates inquiry into DD debit transactions, based on various parameters.
DDII Specific DD Issued Inquiry This option facilitates inquiry into a specific DD issue transaction.
DDIP Specific DD Paid Inquiry This option facilitates inquiry into a specific DD payment transaction.
DDIR DD Issue Reports This option allows you to print the reports – DD Issued Summary and DD Issued Register.
DDISSUE DD Issue This option allows you to issue a Demand Draft.
DDLOST Entry of Reported Lost DDs This option facilitates marking of the DD that has been reported lost.
DDMI Mass Issue Entry This option primarily facilitates issue of multi-currency DDs.
DDMOD Modification of Issue/Payment Details This option facilitates modification of DD Details even after issue/payment transactions have been posted.
DDMP Mass Payment Entry This option allows you to enter payment details for multiple DDs at a time.
DDNPADV Entry of Receipt of NPA This option facilitates to mark the receipt of non-payment advice, when the DD has been reported to be lost.
DDP Reports Parameters This option allows you to generate the following DD reports – DD Issued Summary, DD Issued Register, DD Paid Summary, DD Paid Register, DD Cancellation and Rectification Summary, DD Cancellation and Rectification Register, DD Consolidated Summary, All Summaries, All Registers and All Summaries and Registers.
DDP2 Reports Parameters This option allows you to generate the following DD reports – Drafts Issued Schedule, Drafts Issued Register, Drafts Paid Schedule (Other than ex-advice), Drafts Paid Register (Other than ex-advice),
Drafts Paid Ex-advice Schedule, Drafts Paid Ex-advice Register, Drafts Reversing Debits Schedule, Drafts Reversing Credits Schedule, Drafts Account Schedule, All Schedules, All Registers and All Schedules And Registers.
DDPADV Entry of Payment Advice This option allows you to mark the DD as paid at the Issuing Branch.
DDPALL Print all Unprinted DDs This option allows you to print all unprinted DDs.
DDPAY DD Payment This option allows you to enter DD payment transactions.
DDPRNT Print a DD This option allows you to print a DD for the first time.
DDPUPL DD Payments Upload This option allows you to upload Demand Draft Payment records.
DDR Rectification / Reversal of DD Transaction This option allows you to rectify DD issue, payment and cancellation transactions. The original transaction is marked as rectified and a rectification transaction is created.
DDR2 Rectification / Reversal of DD Transactions This option facilitates operations on DD issue, payment and cancellation transactions.
DDREPRNT Reprint a DD/ Print advice This option allows you to Reprint a DD.
DDREVERT Revert Stat from RepLost/ NPA Recd This option allows you to reverses status of DD from Reported Lost to NPA Received.
DDSM DD Status Maintenance This option allows you to maintain details of the status of a DD.
DDSUMF DD Summary in File This option allows you to create a summary of demand draft transactions as a file on a disk. You can select to create a summary of only issue transactions, only payment transactions or a consolidated summary of both.
DDT Transfers from DD Accounts This option facilitates transfers between DD accounts, for instance, transfers from DD accounts at the branch to head office accounts.
DDUPLOAD DD Upload This option allows you to upload DD transactions.
DECUP Delinquency Cycle Updation Process This option is a batch process, which facilitates Days Past Due cycle updation. It processes all  accounts selected for DPD Cycle Updation.
DEFCALC Deferred Charges Calculation This option allows you to calculates and collect the deferred charges from an account.
DEFPC Default Packing Credits under WTPCG/PCG This option allows you to generate a report of default PCs under whole turnover packing credit guarantee or packing credit guarantee.
DENOMMGT Denomination Management This option allows you to keep track of various denominations of a particular currency.
DEPMOD Deposit Modeling This option allows you to model a deposit as per the customer’s requirements.
DLYPCFC Daily PCFC Report This option allows you to generate the Daily PCFC/BRD Report. The report is printed in two following two parts.
DN Due Notice This option allows you to print Due Notice letters for deposits maturing between the specified dates.
DOCTR Document Tracking Report This option allows you to generate a report that is used to track the documents required for an account.
DOCUPL Loan Document Details Upload This option allows you to upload and update the loan document details.
DPDRPT Delinquency Report Generation This option allows you to generate Delinquency reports for Loan Accounts.
DPGR Deferred Payment Guarantee register This option allows you to generate a report regarding various details about deferred payment guarantees.
DRP Deposit Receipts Print Using this option, you can print deposit receipts for the first time. This option also allows you to print details of individual denominations for CD type of accounts.
DSACOMM DSA Commission Processing and Payment This option allows you to calculate the commission payable to DSAs and runs the commission process.
DSADOC DSA Document Link Maintenance This option facilitates a link berween the DSA and the list of documents that need to be submitted for any given product.
DSAIP DSA Inquiry and Printing This option facilitates Inquiry and Printing of DSA details.
DSAMM DSA Master Maintenance This option allows you to maintain generic details regarding DSA.
DSAPM DSA Parameter Maintenance This option facilitates the setting up of parameters n Maintenance of DSA.
DSASUB DSA Subvention Payment This option allows you to calculate the subvention amount payable to the DSA.
DSATO DSA Turnover Processing This option allows you to update the DSA Turnover process.
DSFTT Download Sequential File to Tables This option allows you to upload files received from IBR center at the branch.
DSPADM Despatcher Administration This option facilitates administration of log files created in the working directory of the module user by a trusted user.
DSPLIC Modules License Information Form This option allows you to check if the license keys have been installed for any specific features/modules in Finacle.
DSPWFI Workflow Items Inquiry This option facilitates a display of a list of workflow items. You can specify the criteria based on which records are to be selected and displayed.
DSPWFQ Display Pending Workflow Items This option facilitates inquiry on items pending authorization in the workflow.
DTCS Display Tran Code Summary This option displays details of the transaction code summary for a particular service outlet, zone and date.
DTE Delete Transactions in Entered Status This option deletes all transactions, which are still in the entered status. As a part of this process, all the transactions that are deleted are displayed in a separate report, as a part of EOD.
DTM Deposits Transactions Maintenance This option facilitates functions such as inquiry, modification, deletion, addition, list and copy on transaction entries.
DTMR Foreign DD/TT/MT Issued Register This option allows you to generate the Foreign DD/TT/MT Issued Register.
DTR Deposit Transactions Report This option facilitates inquiry into deposit transactions and closed accounts.
DUDEL Deletion of User Defined Expired Liens This option allows you to mark all the user defined expired liens as deleted. This option can be scheduled as a batch job.
DUDRP Deposits Receipt Print [Duplicate] This option allows you to print duplicate deposit receipts. This option also allows you to print details of individual denominations for CD type of accounts.
EABR Re-Build End of Day Account Balances This option re-builds all the End of day Account Balances for a SOL ID. It updates all account balances at the end of the day to bring the EOD A/c Balances in sync with the transactions that have been carried out. It also generates an inconsistency  report for the same and deletes the unnecessary records.
ECGCPC ECGC Premium Calculation This option allows you to generate the monthly premium report to be sent to Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India Ltd. (ECGC).
ECGCRPC ECGC Premium Calculation for RPC Disbursements This option allows you to generate the monthly premium report to be sent to ECGC.
ECHRAC Enter Cheques Rejected at Counter This option facilitates an on-line recording of cheques, i.e. cheques that have been rejected at the counter.
EFI Employee File Inquiry This option facilitates inquiry into the details of a particular employee.
EFM Employee File Maintenance This option facilitates creation of an employee record, where all the required parameters are set up.
EIO Encode Instruments This option is used to encode information on to MICR instruments. You can also re-encode an instrument in case of an error.
EIRPTS EI Reports This option allows you to Generates various EI-related reports.
EMAILL List for E-Mail This option allows you to invoke the User Message Lookup functions.
EMAILM E-Mail Maintenance This option allows you to maintain user messages.
EMIINTR EMI Loans Interest Details Report This option allows you to generate a report containing interest details of a set of loan accounts opened under the EMI (equated monthly installments) scheme as on particular date.
ERTI Error Table Inquiry This option facilitates inquiry into the details of the error codes that have been set up using the ETM option.
ETM Error Table Maintenance This option maintains and modifies the list of error codes such as Invalid Account, Record not found, etc.
ETOSDB Escape to OS This option facilitates execution of Unix commands from the Unix prompt. Only the DBA has the permission to invoke this option.
EXCDM Exception Code Maintenance This option facilitates in setting up appropriate exception codes for various exception conditions in the system.
EXCHPL Exchange Profit & Loss This option enables you to update the profit loss incurred due to fluctuating exchange rates.
EXCPRPT Exceptions Report This option generates a report with details of all financial and non-financial exceptions.
EXECOM Execute Custom COM Script This option allws you to execute certain site-specific general COM scripts that the customer would like to execute.
EXPODM Export Order Details Maintenance This option allows you to maintain details of different export orders.
EXPRPT Reports of Export Orders This option generates a report of export orders based on the criteria selected.
EXTFWC Change validity of Forward Contracts This option alows you to change the validity period of a forward contract.
FABREP FAB Reports This option generates Cash – Receipts / Payments and DD – Issued Summary / Paid Summary, reports.
FATM Account Facility Maintenance This option allows you to add and maintain various major and minor facilities to an account. It also sets and maintains the daily limit for customer accounts.
FBACS Remittances for Agency Commission This option generates the Agency Commission Statement. This is a report of all remittances made for payments of agency commission for a specified period.
FBADVP Transaction Advice Printing (Foreign Exchange Bill) This option generates advices for all transactions on foreign bills, which can be sent to the customer for his reference.
FBAIC Advance Interest Calculated This option generates a report of bills for which interest has been calculated in advance.
FBBR Foreign Bills Balancing Register This option allows you to print the foreign bills balancing register. The register specifies details of bill balances based on the register and sub register categories.
FBCCS Foreign Cheques Covering Schedule This option generates the covering letters that enclose a list of clean instruments, to be sent to a particular collecting/correspondent branch.
FBCS Foreign Bills Covering Schedule This option generates the covering letters sent along with the documents of the bill to the collecting / correspondent bank or drawee (other party), as the case may be.
FBDISCR Foreign Bill Discrepancy Report This option generates a report for foreign bills in which there are discrepancies.
FBDLNK Foreign Bills to be Delinked Statement This option generates a list of foreign bills to be delinked, based on several criteria such as delink due date, register type and register sub type.
FBECGC ECGC Charge Details This option allows you to generate the monthly premium report to be sent to the ECGC. The system calculates the commission amount using the commission code specified and posts transactions depending on the option for the same.
FBEF Bills of Entry Statement This option allows you to Generates the Bills of Entry statement. This is a strategic report to be submitted by various bank branches in India to the Central bank (RBI).
FBENC Foreign Bills ENC Statement This option generates a list containing details for the home service outlet ID during a given period.
FBER Export Register Report This option generates the Export Register Report including purchase of Clean Cheques.
FBERC Foreign Bills Export Claim Report This option generates the Export Claim Report for Foreign Bills.
FBFCS Format C Statement This option generates the quarterly Format C Statement that gives the actual disbursements made by the bank to the export sector.
FBHI Foreign Bills History Inquiry This option facilitates inquiry into the history of a bill.
FBI Foreign Bills Inquiry This option allows you to view the general details of foreign bills as per the selection criteria defined.
FBICS Interest Collected on Foreign Bills This option allows you to generate a report on the interest collected on foreign bills.
FBIEC Issue of Encashment Certificate This option allows you to generate a report that helps the bank to keep track of all travellers’ cheques or currency notes that are encashed at the branch.
FBIR Import Register Report This option allows you to print the import bills register.
FBM Foreign Bills Maintenance This option deals with the Maintenance procedures for foreign bills.
FBMCM FEX Bills Message Code Maintenance This option enables you to maintain message codes and messages associated with the codes.
FBMUPL Foreign Bills Upload This option is used to upload foreign bills.
FBOIB Statement of Overdue Import Bills This option is used to generate a statement of overdue import bills.
FBP Foreign Bills Printing This option allows you to print a list of foreign bills that have been selected as per the selection criteria in the FBI option.
FBPADB List of Pending and Dishonored Bills This option is used to generate a list of bills that are dishonored or outstanding for a given period.
FBPM Foreign Bill Parameter Maintenance This option is used to define and maintain the parameter details of the bills as per the selection criteria defined.
FBPMI FEX Bills Parameter Master Inquiry This option is used to view the parameter details of the bills as per the selection criteria defined.
FBPS Foreign Bills Purchased Subsidiary This option is used to generate the foreign bills purchased subsidiary report.
FBRI FEX Bills Register Inquiry This option is used to view the general details of the bills register as per the selection criteria defined.
FBRM Foreign Bill Register Maintenance This option allows you to define and maintain foreign bill registers.
FBRPR Reserve Payment Register This option generates a report of bills that are negotiated under reserve because of discrepancies in the bills.
FBSNC Foreign Bills SNC Statement This option is used to generate the software negotiation collection statement for SOFTEX forms that are lodged under export bills with the branch during a given period.
FBSTAT6 STAT 6 Report This option is used to generate the statistics report showing purchases of exchange in the form of traveler’s cheques, currency notes and coins.
FBUBR Undrawn Balance Register This option is used to generate the undrawn balance register for foreign bills that are lodged with the branch.
FCNPS Foreign Currency Purchase Sale Report This option is used to generate the foreign currency purchase sale report for a given period.
FCNR Foreign Currency Notes Issued Report This option is used to generate a report on the foreign currency notes issued or sold for a given period.
FCNRSUB FCNR Subsidiary Report This option prints the FCNR subsidiary report for Foreign Currency accounts, for a specified period or range of GL subheads.
FCTCMR FCTC Purchase and Sale Monthly Report This option is used to generate the foreign currency travelers’ cheque purchase and sale monthly report.
FCTCR Foreign Currency TC Issued Report This option is used to print the foreign currency travellers’ cheque issued report, based on the register and sub register type specified for a given period.
FCTCSCMR FCTC Stock-Cum-Movement Register Report This option is used to print the foreign currency travellers’ cheque (FCTC) stock-cum-movement register report.
FCTCSR Foreign Currency TC Sale Report This option is used to generate the foreign currency travellers’ cheque sale report for any TC lodged within a specified date range.
FDD Flow Amt-wise Distribution of Deposits This option is used to print a breakup of deposit accounts based on the minimum flow amount.
FDLD Fixed Deposits Linked Details This option is used to generate a report that gives details such as balance, linked account details, etc. of all fixed deposits.
FDOCD Fixed Deposits Opening Closure Details This option is used to generate a report that contains details such as the date of opening and the date of closure of deposits within the specified range of dates.
FFDBATCH FFD Batch jobs This menu option is used to execute all batch programs in the FFD module.
FFDPSP FFD – Pass Sheet Print This menu option is used to generate pass sheets.
FI Fate Inquiry This option is used to generate letters for the Bills/Cheques Inter-Branch Covering Schedule for selected bills.
FIRCR Foreign Inward Remittance Certificate This option is used to generate the foreign inward remittance certificate report.
FLTI Form Literals Translation Interface Using this option you can translate all the screen parameters such as field  Names, headings and the file Name that appear in a screen.
FORCMTC IBR Forced Matched Entries Reports This option allows you to generate reports for forced or manually reconciled entries.
FPCM Party Code Maintenance This option is used to open and maintain records on all parties involved in Forex (import/export) transactions.
FPTI FEX Period Table Code Inquiry This option is used to view the period table details of the bills as per the selection criteria defined.
FPTM Fx Period Table Code Maintenance This option is used by the foreign exchange department to open and maintain FX Period Table Codes.
FR Forced Reconciliation This option facilitates forced matching of originating and responding entries, which cannot be or have not been matched by the system.
FSQIRPT Missing File Sequence Inquiry Report This option allows you to inquire upon and generate a report of all the missing files uploaded to DCMA.
FTI financial Transactions Inquiry Using this option, you can inquire on a financial transaction.
FTR financial Transactions Inquiry & Report This option is used to inquire into and generate a report on any financial transaction.
FVTM Facility Version Maintenance This option maintains the facility for bankers to support BankAway customers.
FWCCM Forward Cntrct Message Code Maintenance This option is used to maintain different forward contract message codes in the system.
FWCHI Forward Contract History Inquiry This option is used to retrieve a list of events that are related to a selected forward contract.
FWCLIAB F/C Liability Register This option is used to generate a liability register for a forward contract.
FWCNOTE Forward contract note printing This option is used for generating forward contract notes on any date, normally, on the date of booking.
FWCODLST List of overdue and matured F/Cs This option is used to generate a list of forward contracts, which are overdue as on a specified date.
FWCQRY Query on forward contracts This is a general-purpose query option, which lists the forward contracts based on the criteria specified.
FWCREVAL Forward Contract Revaluation This option is used to re-evaluate the exposures in foreign currency.
FWCRG Forward booking register printing This option is used to generate the forward contracts register based on the criteria selected.
FWCRMND Reminder to partys about F/C maturity This option is used to generate reminders on maturing contracts.
FWRM Forward Contract Register Maintenance This option maintains Forward Contract Register details.
FXACSTMT Statement of FX Accounts This option is used to generate the statement of Foreign Currency account balances as of a specified date.
FXIPSTMT Statement of Interest Paid This option is used to print the statement of interest paid on foreign currency accounts for a given period.
FXPSRG Purchase / Sale register printing This option gives the bill-wise break up of purchase and sale report, in home currency and bill currency.
FXTR FOREX Turnover Report This option is used to print the Forex Turnover Report.
GCHRG General Charges This option is used for non-system event driven charge transactions like locker charges, etc.
GDET General Deposits Details Generates reports of General Deposits.
GECM Teller Cash Account Maintenance This option facilitates account Maintenance of cash handled by the teller.
GENADV Generate Advices Report Using this menu option, transactions such as SDS are identified and advices to the relevant branches are generated for completing or reversing the transaction as required.
GFTM General Facility Maintenance Using this option you can define and maintain general facilities accorded to the customer.
GI Guarantee Inquiry Using this option, you can view details of the guarantees that satisfy the specified criteria.
GILR Guarantees Issued cum Liabilty Register This report includes details such as issue date, guarantee number, name of beneficiary, purpose of guarantee, liability, commission, security value, sanctioned limit, etc.
GLSHM GL Subhead Maintenance This option is used to create and maintain GL Subheads.
GLSHR GL Sub Head Code Replication This option allows you to replicate GL sub heads. Replication of GL sub heads can be done within the same service outlet for different currencies.
GMLE Executables Generation Criteria Screen This option is used to generate the translated executables for any specified language.
GMLF Forms Generation Criteria Screen This option allows you to generate translated screens for any specified language.
GMLWF Web Forms Generation Criteria Screen This option allows you to generate the translated web interface screens for any specified language.
GMM Guarantee Master Maintenance This option involves the processing of individual bank guarantees.
GODCH Guarantee Overdue Charges This option is used to collect overdue charges for a range of guarantees.
GOPSD Generate Outward Payment System Dump This option allows you to obtain the outward inter-bank payment systems dump and reports for the same.
GP Guarantee Printing This option is used to print Guarantees. Using this option, you can select the Guarantees to be printed on the basis of various criteria.
GPI Guarantee Parameters Inquiry Using this option the information defined by the DBA in the GPM option is made available to the general user.
GPLG General Purpose Letter Generator This option allows you to execute the letter/delivery order that is set through the GPLM option.
GPLM General Purpose Letter Maintenance This option provides a facility to store the details of the letter that has been assigned a letter ID.
GPM Guarantee Parameters Maintenance This option helps in setting up and Maintenance of guarantee parameters.
GR Generate Report This option is used to generate reports based on the report number defined using the RDM option.
GSPI General Scheme Parameters Inquiry This option allows you to inquire into the details of a particular scheme.
GSPM General Scheme Parameters Maintenance This option allows you to define common parameters for several scheme types.
HACCBAL Balance details of an Account This option allows you to inquire on the components of the balance available for an account at the time of transaction entry.
HACCDET General Details This option allows you to modify details of existing accounts as well as specify new repayment schedules, disbursement schedules and messages.
HACLHI Limit Details This option allows you to modify limits such as sanction limits, drawing power limits, DACC limit, etc., of an account.
HACLI Transactions Inquiry Using this option the customers can inquire into the status of their accounts.
HACTI Account turnover details This option allows you to inquire into the turnover of each account for a particular period.
HASSET Asset classification Using this option, assets can be classified as performing or non-performing, depending upon the overdue principal or interest pending on the asset.
HCUACC Accounts of Customer Using this option you can maintain all general information about the customer.
HCUCA Current Account of Customer Using this option you can maintain the current account details of a  customer.
HCUCC Cash Credit of Customer Using this option you can maintain the cash credit  details of a  customer.
HCUDET General details of Customer Using this option you can maintain information related to a customer.
HCULA Loan Accounts of Customer Using this option you can inquire on the loan details of the customer.
HCUMAT Forthcoming Maturities of Customer Using this option you can view a summary of the maturities under the heads specified.
HCUOD Overdraft Accounts of Customer This option deals with operations on overdraft facility provided for customers.
HCUPSD Portfolio details of Customer Using this option you can capture combined statement details of a customer.
HCUSB Savings Account of Customer Using this option you can view the consolidated details of a customer’s savings account.
HCUSBCA Savings/Current Account of Customer Using this option you can view the consolidated details of a customer’s current account.
HCUSEL Customer Selection Based on the selection criteria specified in this option, the customer details are retrieved.
HCUSUM Summary details of Customer Using this option you can view the consolidated details of a customer.
HCUSWP Sweep details of Customer Using this menu option the customer can pool funds from his various accounts, in the order of his preferencefor use.
HCUTD Term Deposits of Customer This option is used to modify and inquire into existing accounts.
HCUTI Turnover Summary of Customer Using this option you can view the consolidated details of a customer. It shows the entity wise summation of the balances, interest and charges.
HDCDET Delivery Channel transaction details Using this option you can inquire on front end user of a bank and on a delivery channel transaction.
HICI Inward Cheques Inquiry Using this option you can change the status of a cheque from Issued but not Acknowledged to Unused or Acknowledged.
HIGHTRAN DSA Report on High value Transaction This menu option generates reports on high value transactions.
HII Hot Items Inquiry Using this option you can inquire into details of instruments labeled hot such as, the amount, the date on which the loss was notified, etc.
HIM Hot Items Maintenance Using this option the instruments can be loaded hot.
HLAI Loan Inquiry The features discussed in this option are General loan details, Repayment schedule, Collection and past due inquiry, Ledger inquiry, Inquiry on interest, Inquiry on charge off, Non accrual Message inquiry,                  Related past inquiry and Late fee details.
HM Help Maintenance This option helps in creating, assigning help text  and  displaying context-sensitive help.
HOCI Outward Cheques Inquiry Using this option you can change the status of a cheque from Issued but not Acknowledged to Unused or Acknowledged.
HOCIP HOC Inquiry cum BA(R) Print This option can be used to execute various inquiries like viewing additional details of a HO transaction, adjustment history of a request and printing or reprinting of advises and requests can also be done.
HOS HO Schedules Print This option is used to print various HO transactions of a branch.
HOSUMF HO Summary in File This option is used to generate a summary of the daily HO transactions and save them as a file on the hard disk.
HOSUMP HOC Summary Print Using this option you can print a summary of all originating and/or responding transactions with consolidated figures for each HO account.
HTD Term deposit transaction details Using this option transaction entries can be inquired into, modified, deleted, un-deleted, listed, added and copied.
HTDINT Term deposit interest details Using this option you can retrieve the interest details of the term deposits of a customer.
HTDTAX Term deposit tax deduction details Using this option you can retrieve the tax deduction details of the term deposits of a customer.
HTINQ Hot Items Lookup Instruments or inventory items that are reported lost or stolen are classified as ‘Hot Items’. A record of such items can be maintained in the system and an exception can be generated if a transaction is posted using a hot item. You can view details of hot items using this option.
IARM Interest Adjustment Register Maintenance This option is used to indicate any interest adjustment of amount that is to be done during the next interest calculation.
IBADVP Transaction Advice Printing (IBILL) Using this option you can generate an advise for printing Inland Bills.
IBCTM IBR Control Table Maintenance Using this option you can set the ICT date to the BOD date.
IBM Inward BAR Register Maintenance This option is used to capture and maintain data related to all the advice requests received by a branch.
IBRBRADM IBR Branch Administration Using this menu an authorized IBR user can perform operations like opening, editing, deleting/removing and copying of files relevant to the IBR Center at the branch level.
IBRCNADM IBR Central Administration Using this menu an authorized IBR user can perform operations like opening, editing, deleting/removing and copying of files relevant to the IBR Center.
IBRCR IBR Control Report This report is used to keep track of the receipt of IBR files from various branches.
IBREOD EOD For IBR Center This option initiates end-of-day operations for the IBR center. This helps to update the status of the transactions for the next BOD and close the transactions for the day.
IBRFLCHK Decrypt received IBR files This option is used to check the files received from various datacenters/branches at the IBR center. It checks consistency of the data and decides whether the file can be uploaded or sent to other branches.
IBRGEN Create IBR files for branch Using this option you can download the transaction details in the IBR tables into specific files.
IBRPOST Automatic posting of selected IBR trans This option facilitates automatic posting of transactions.
IBRPRO IBR Processing This option is used to upload transaction files received from the datacenter/branch at the IBR center.
IBRPURGE Purge of tables Using this option you can purge IBR tables. All the records that belong to the specified table are purged.
IBRRECON IBR Reconciled Entries Reports This option allows you to generate reports for auto and system reconciled entries.
IBRREPTS IBR Reports for Orig/Resp Trans Using this option you can generate reports with details of information sent from IBR Center to the branch, which originates / responds transactions.
IBSTM Inter Branch Seed Table Maintenance Using this option the seeds are set up for the two branches/banks involved in the transaction.
ICGR Insurance Cover Guarantee Report This option is used to print reports of a range of deposit amounts for all customer types excluding those specified in the criteria.
ICHB Issue Chequebooks This option is used to issue chequebooks to customers.
ICHBAU Issue Chequebooks Using this option the verification of a chequebook issue, is done.
ICRCM Inward Clearing Rej Code Maintenance This option is used to set up and maintain rejection codes.
ICTM Inward Clearing Transaction Maintenance This option allows you lodge inward clearing instruments.
ICZCM Inward Clearing Zone Template Maint This option is used to set up inward clearing zone codes.
IDBARR ID BAR Report This option is used to generate the International Division Branch Advice Requisition report.
IDCM Inward Documentary Credits Maintenance This option is used to record information on DCs received from an issuing bank and need to be advised to the beneficiary of the DC.
IEARP Income/Expenditure Analysis Register This option is used to print a register for revenue accounts as per the criteria specified.
IEMRP Income/Expenditure Monitoring Report This option is used to print a register for monitoring income and expenditure for the specified criteria.
IIBRADM Instant IBR Administration This option facilitates administration of log files created in the working directory of the module user by a trusted user.
IIM Inventory Item Maintenance This option is used to set up and maintain inventory types. Before you use this option to set up an inventory type, ensure that the relevant inventory class exists.
ILCM Inventory Location Code Maintenance This option is used to set up and maintain the inventory location codes.
IMAUM Inventory Movement Auth Maintenance This option is used to specify the user ID(s) of the person assigned as authorizer(s) for a specific location.
IMC Inventory Movement between Locations This option is used to track transfer/movement of inventory items (other than cash), from one inventory location to another.
IMGMNT Image Maintenance Signatures are verified using this option. The Signatures have to be verified by general users who have image access, before they are available for display or inquiry. The general user with the image access as SB can verify Signatures linked to SB accounts.
IMGVIEW Image view in FAB This option allows you to modify the text fields for Signatures stored in the database.
IMI Inventory Movement Inquiry This option allows you to view a list of inventory items that have been moved from one inventory location to another.
IMR Inventory Movement Report This option allows you to print a list of inventory items that have been moved from one inventory location to another.
INI Identification Number Inquiry This option is used to retrieve identification number based on the criteria specified in the ADCT table.
INQACHQ Inquire Account Number for a Cheque This option allows you to find out the account number of the cheque.
INSTM Instruments Table Maintenance This option is used to maintain the validity period for various instruments like Cheques, Drafts, Bankers Cheques, etc.
INTSI Interest Slab Inquiry This option allows you to inquire into interest slabs maintained using the IVSM option.
INTTI Interest Table Inquiry This option allows you to inquire into interest tables created.
INTTM Interest Table Maintenance This option is used to maintain different interest codes for a particular account.
INWBI Inward Bill Intimation This option is used to generate letters for the Bills/Cheques Inter-Branch Covering Schedule for selected bills.
IOCLS Inquire On Clearing Transaction Sets This option allows you to inquire on outward clearing transaction sets.
IOGLT Inquire on GL Transactions This option allows you to  inquire on GL Subhead level  transactions.
IOT Inquire on Transactions This option is used to view the outstanding entries in pointing type transactions.
IPDCR Interest Paid on Delayed Collection This option is used to generate a report on the interest paid on delayed collection of cheques.
IRM Inward Remittances Maintenance Using this option inward remittances of the bank can be maintained.
IRMUPL Inward Remittance Upload This option is used to upload inward remittance.
IRRDEP Irregular Recurring Deposits Report This option is used to print a report containing the details of all irregular recurring deposits.
ISAR Inter Sol Audit Report This option generates and prints the inter-Sol Audit report.
ISI Inventory Inquiry, Split and Merge-EM Using this option you can:                            § inquire on inventory items (including cash) available either at your employee location or on any other inventory location.
§ split the inventory items (other than cash), available in your or any other location, into as many records as required.
§ merge split records.
ISIA Inventory Inquiry, Split and Merge Using this option you can:                            § inquire on inventory items (including cash) available either at your employee location or on any other inventory location.
§ split the inventory items (other than cash), available in your or any other location, into as many records as required.
§ merge split records.
ISOLOP Initiate Service Outlet Operations This process is run by the user at a service outlet at the start of each working day.
ISOTRF ISO account balance transfer to HO This option transfers balances in ISO accounts to HO accounts.
ISR ISR      Inventory Status Report-EM This option allow you to generate a status report of inventory items either at your location or at other locations.
ISRA ISRA     Inventory Status Report This option allow you to generate a status report of inventory items either at your location or at other locations.
ISTR ISTR     Inter Sol Transaction Report This option allows you to print a report of all inter service outlet transactions.
ITCI ITCI     Interest Table Code Inquiry This option allows you to inquire on the Interest Table Codes.
ITI Instruments Table Inquiry This option allows you to inquire into the details of the various instruments.
ITR Report for Income Tax Purposes This option is used to generate a report for income tax purposes.
IVSM Interest Slab Maintenance This option is used to maintain interest table codes and their version. It also allows you to express interest percent as the sum of a base and differential.
JTHOLDER List Joint Holders of an Account This option allows you to view the details of the principal account holder, joint holders or authorized signatories of an account.
KILLSRVR Kill ATM Server Process Using this option you can terminate all processes of the SDS ATM server.
LADGEN Loan Demand Generation This menu option allows you to  generate both principal and interest demands. This option will also create interest transactions for loan accounts.
LACAM Charges Amortization Process Using this option Amortization is done on charges that are collected on LAA type of accounts.
LADGEN Loan Demand Generation This menu option allows you to  generate both principal and interest demands. This option will also create interest transactions for loan accounts.
LADICFEE Loans DICGC Fee Calculation Using this option you can calculate the DICGC Fee and generate a report for the same.
LADISB Loans Disbursement This option allows you to mark disbursements against loans.
LADML Loan Disbursement Letter Using this option you can generate a disbursement letter. This is generated on disbursing the loan amount to the customer.
LADSP Loans Demand Satisfaction Process This option allows you to collect installment dues, based on the demand satisfaction method specified at the account level.
LAFACB Loans Fee Assessment and Collection This option allows you to assess and collect fees for all charge types.  All normal and past due accounts are considered for fee assessment. Charged off accounts are not considered.
LAFACR Loans Fee Assess, Collect and Refund Using the LAFACB option, you can assess and collect fees for all charge types. It is also used to set up batch assessment. During a frequency-based batch assessment, the system will select those charge types for an account, which have the next assessment date as the BOD date. If it is not a frequency-based charge assessment, all charges for the account will be assessed. All normal and past due accounts are considered for fee assessment. Charged off accounts are not considered.
LAFHM Loans Follow-up History Maintenance This option allows you to keep track of the history of various notices and letters sent to customers during the life of a loan account.
LAFIRPT Loan Future Installment/PDC Report This option facilitates handling of post-dated cheques. Using this option you can generate a list of demands which will be raised on a future date.
LAFM Loans Flow Maintenance This option is used to define various flows used to handle the transactions that arise in the life cycle of a loan account.
LAGI Loans General Enquiry This option gives you information on the disbursements made at various levels.
LALIEN Loans Lien Process This option allows you to place a lien on operative accounts for pending demands.
LAMCM LA Message Code Maintenance This option facilitates Maintenance of messages created for any loan account.
LAMOD Loan Account Modelling This menu option helps you to analyze a loan requirement and the liability  incurred prior to opening or restructuring a loan account. This option can be used to model the existing accounts that have to undergo rephasement, to calculate the prepayment amount, change the existing installment amount and view the newly generated schedule.
LAMP Loan Account Master Print This option generates a detailed report of loan accounts, which is required for verification purposes.
LAODR Loan Demands Overdue Reminder This option is used to generate reports on overdue loan demands for the criteria specified.
LAOPI Loans Overdue Position Inquiry This option allows you to inquire on the summary information or obtain details and print the same if required.
LAPAL Post Dated Cheque Acknowledgement Letter  This menu option is used to print the acknowledgement letter for the PDC’s received and mail them if required. The LAPAL option is a batch process.
LAPAY Loan Payment Menu This option facilitates scheduled and unscheduled payments towards loan accounts.
LAPOSR Loans Collection and Position Report This option is used to generate a report of demands that have been satisfied and demands that are overdue.
LAPRR1A Loans Periodical Review Returns This option generate reports that facilitate control on irregular payments.
LAPRR4A Loans Periodical Review Returns This option generate reports that facilitate control on irregular payments.
LAPRR4B Loans Periodical Review Returns This option generate reports that facilitate control on irregular payments.
LAPRR4C Loans Periodical Review Returns This option generate reports that facilitate control on irregular payments.
LAPSP Loan Account Pass Sheet Print This option allows you to print pass sheets for loan accounts.
LARSH Loans Repayment Schedule Report This option is used to generate a report of repayment schedule of any selected account.
LAUPLDMD Loans Upload Demands This option is used to upload principal demands for all loans that have been maintained manually.
LAUPLOAD Loan Other Details Upload This option is used to upload the details like Principal demand, Late fee, Document Details, Amortization Details, Schedule Balance and Delinquency Details.
LAWFAI Loans Waiver of Fee and Interest This option allows you to waive off charges or interest for an account.
LAXFRINT Loans Transfer Interest Liability This option allows you to transfer interest liability between the office account and the loan account for rephasement or to cancel transferred liability.
LBDR Local Bill Discounting This option is used to generate the report of local bills discounted.
LCCSR Local Clearing & Cash Remittance Subsidiary Register This option is used to generate the summary of the transactions done on the clearing account.
LCDDR Large Amount Cheques Discounted – Daily Reporting This option is used to generate a daily report on cheques of high values that have been discounted.
LCDMR Large Amt Chqs Dis – Monthly Reporting This option is used to generate a monthly report on cheques of high values that have been discounted.
LDIMG Image Upload Utility The images captured using the Signcap utility are uploaded to the host database using this option.
LLIR Limit Liability Inquiry & Report This option allows you to inquire on the liability, sanction limit, drawing power and total limit sanctioned to accounts.
LNDI Limit Node Details Inquiry This option allows you to inquire into limit node details such as the linked account number, the drawing power, liability, etc.
LNHTIR Limit Node History/Tran Inquiry/Report This option facilitates inquiry on limit node history and transactions based on the criteria specified.
LNI Limit Node Enquiry This option allows inquiry of the limit nodes set up through the Limit Node Maintenance option.
LNM Limit Node Maintenance This option allows you to maintain the limit and liability of parties at different levels, margin to be maintained at each sub-limit level and other related information.
LNREV Limit Node Revaluation This option facilitates revaluation of limit nodes. You can revalue both liability and drawing power.
LAPREQ Additional Post Dated Cheque Requisition Report The menu option is used to notify the customer when additional post dated cheques are to be accepted for the loan account under consideration. This option allows you to print the report alone or generate the letter as well
LSD  List for Signature Display This option allows you to view the Signatures pertaining to a particular account.
LTL  Limit Tree Lookup You can use this option to inquire into various limit nodes and their details.
MANRECON Manual Reconciliation This option is used when manual reconciliation is to be done at the Finacle host before EOD.
MANSAF Manual SAF Processing This option is used when the SAF file is to be processed manually at the Finacle host.
MAPD Marking Accounts as Past Due This option allows you to mark accounts as past due.
MAR Maturity Analysis Report This option allows you to generate a report of an Analysis on the maturity of assets and liabilities.
MARKPEND Mark Pending This option is used to mark outward clearing instruments as pending.
MAT Midday Archive To Tape This option allows you to take a back up of the archival logs.
MATB Manual ATM/Anywhere Transaction Balancing This is used to balance transactions across ATM/Anywhere branches where IBR is not being used and reconciliation has to be done manually.
MCLOP Post Dated Cheque Status Maintenance after Consolidated Lodge The bank can lodge all post dated cheques that fall on a particular installment, for a group of loan accounts, as a consolidated cheque. Once the consolidated cheque is cleared, the status of individual cheques can be marked as bounced / unknown / regularized using the MCLOP menu option.
MCLZOH Maintaining Clearing Zones This option is used to carry out various operations on an outward clearing zone.
MDD Maturity Periodwise Dist of Deposits This option is used to print a maturity periodwise breakup of deposit accounts.
MEAC Modify Effective Asset Classification This option allows you to modify the asset classification of an asset already classified by the system or another user, at customer level.
MICZ Maintain Inward Clearing Zone This option is used to carry out the various operations on an inward clearing zone.
MNTFCT Maintain FOREX Control Table This option allows you to maintain some of the foreign exchange parameters related to forward contracts and documentary credits.
MNTFWC Maintain Forward Contracts This option is used to open and maintain forward contracts.
MNTNTP Maintain Normal Transit Period This option allows you to maintain the normal transit period for a foreign bill.
MNTPST Maintain PST Table (Modify & Inquiry) This option is used to modify the purpose of remittance in the PST table for existing entries.
MNTRTL Maintain Rate list This option allows you to upload rate list.
MNTRTLH Maintain Home Crncy Rate list This option allows you to maintain exchange rates for different rate codes.
MNTRTM Maintain Rate Master This option allows you to maintain rate codes such as Currency Buying, TT Selling, TC Buying, etc. for a currency pair.
MNTRTSQ Maintain Rate code Sequence This option is used to maintain the Rate code Sequence Table and add rate codes.
MNTWF Workflow Items Maintenance This option allows you to Inquire on, Modify or Unlock workflow items.
MODSETUP Module File Maintenance This option is used to maintain the user-initiated actions for a module.
MODUSERS Module Users Maintenance This option is used to grant permissions to users to authorize user IDs.
MOPTI Menu Option Translation Interface This option allows you to translate the menu option, menu option description and menu option help text.
MOR Message Offset Reconciliation This option lets you inquire into and verify on reversal transactions.
MQTDESRP MQT Despatched Transactions Report This option is used to generate a report of consolidated ATM and anywhere banking transactions that have been despatched.
MQTI Anywhere / ATM transaction Inquiry This option allows you to inquire into the details of transactions taking place at the ATM.
MQTRPT MQT Undespatched Transactions Report This option allows you to generate a report on the ATM and Anywhere transactions at the branches that have not been despatched.
MSGOIRP Outstanding Items Report This option is used to print the report of all outstanding amounts along with the value date, particulars and the number of days by which transaction is outstanding, for a given GL head or Subhead or an Account, as on the given date.
MSOIRP Minor Subsidiaries Outstanding Items Rep This option is used to print the report of all outstanding amounts along with the values, date, particulars and the number of days by which transaction is outstanding, for a given GL head or for an account on a particular date.
MSTRP Minor Subsidiaries Transaction Report This option is used to print the report of all transactions once type of account is indicated.
NAMM Nostro Account Maintenance This option allows you to add and maintain details of the Nostro accounts maintained by the bank in different banks or currencies.
NFTRPT MQT Non financial Transactions Report This menu option generates a report of all non-financial ATM and Anywhere transactions in a branch.
NNTM Next Number Table Maintenance This option is used to create next number codes.
NOBL No Objection Letter This option generates No objection letters on closure of a loan accounts.
NPA Non-payment Advice This option is used to generate letters for the Bills/Cheques Inter-Branch Covering Schedule for selected bills.
NUM Number Table Upload This option is used to upload the sequential numbers that the branch uses for reconciliation of DDs.
OAAC Open an Account Opens customer accounts.
OAACAU Authorizing an account This option allows you to verify, cancel or modify accounts opened through the OAAC option.
OACR Office Account Replication This option allows you to replicate Office Accounts across service outlets.
OCINST Outward Clearing Instrument Maintenance This option is used to enter or modify only the instrument details for a given set but not the part transaction details.
OCM Offline Charges Maintenance This option allows you to set up charge details for offline DD issue.
OCPTRN Outward Clearing Part Tran Maintenance This option is used to enter or modify only the part transaction details for a given set but not the instrument details.
OCST Open Cash Transactions This option allows you to start the entry of cash transactions for the day.
OCTG Regularize Outward Clearing Set This option verifies the set, releases it and regularizes it.
OCTM Outward Clearing Transaction Maintenance This option is used to carry out various operations on outward clearing sets.
OCTR Release Outward Clearing Set This option allows you to release instruments in outward clearing zones at the set level itself.
OCTV Clearing Transaction Verification This option is used to verify selected clearing transaction sets.
ODCM Outward Documentary Credits Maintenance Using this option Outward DCs are maintained.
ODCMUPL Outward Documentary Credits Upload This option is used to upload outward documentary credits.
OICZ Open Inward Clearing Zone This option is used to open an inward clearing zone.
OICZSET Open Inward Clearing Zone For Set This option opens inward clearing zones for a given Set ID.
OIQ Outward Clearing Instruments Inquiry This option is used to obtain a list of instruments put through outward clearing for a particular date.
OPQ Outward Clg Part Tran Inquiry This option is used to inquire into the credit part transactions of outward clearing instruments.
ORM Outward Remittances Maintenance This option facilitates Maintenance operations on outward remittances.
ORMUPL Outward Remittance Upload This option is used to upload inward remittance.
OTRINQ Offline Transaction Inquiry The offline transaction inquiry option allows you to inquire on financial transactions that have taken place within a specified period.
OXFT Open Transfer Transactions This option allows you to start the entry of transfer transactions for the day.
OZO Open Zone This option is used to open an outward clearing zone.
PAPW Protect User Password This option is used to disable the User ID for a particular period.
PARTINQ Inquiry on Partitioned Account This option allows you to inquire on partitioned accounts and print a report showing details of the account.
PAYOFF Loan Pay Off Process This option facilitates pre-payment/pre-closure of loan accounts.
PBBANK Print Profitability/Budget Rpt for Bank This option allows you to print a report that gives details on the budget, the expenses and incomes, and the profitability of the bank as on a particular date.
PBBRAN Print Profitability/Budget Rpt in Branch This option allows you to print a report that gives details on the budget, the expenses and incomes, and the profitability of a branch as on a particular date.
PBDUMP Dump Profitability/Budget Rpt for HO This option allows you to print a report, which gives complete details on the budget, the expenses and incomes, and the profitability of the HO as on a particular date.
PBFEXT PBF Extraction This option is used to extract the PBF to the SDS machine from the Finacle host.
PBP Pass Book Print This option is used to print a passbook for a specified account.
PCARPT Reports of PCA Accounts This option generates a report of all PCA type of accounts based on the criteria selected.
PCFCBAL PCFC Balancing Report This option is used to generate reports on balance of the packing credits in foreign currency (PCFC) accounts.
PCINT Packing Credit Interest Calculation This option allows you to calculate interest on regular packing credit accounts alone based on the criteria.
PCLIALST Packing Credit Liability List This option is used to generate a report of all the liabilities of the packing credit accounts as per the criteria selected.
PCLSO  Print Clearing Schedule This option is used to print the outward clearing schedule.
PCYCS Statement on PCs in Default/Limits This option prints a statement on PCs in Default/Limits.
PDADI Past Due A/c Details Inquiry And Report Using this option you can inquire on past due accounts.
PDADM Past Due Accounts Details Maintenance This option allows you to access and operate on data maintained outside Finacle.
PDB Print Day book This option is used to print the Day Book or Cash Book as part of the EOD activities.
PDCM Post Dated Cheques Maintenance This menu option allows you to maintain post dated cheques submitted for an account towards repayment of the loan.
PDCCM Post Dated Cheque Center Maintenance This menu option allows you to map the SOL ID of the loan account with the SOL ID of the clearing zone. Using this option, you can only modify and inquire on the post dated cheque Centres.
PDCCOP Post Dated Cheque Collection Process This menu optionallows you to recover the installment amount from the common PDC office account or operative account and credit the loan accounts, in a batch.
PDCLOP Post Dated Cheque Lodging process This menu option allows you to lodge post dated cheques for a particular installment, in a batch.
PDML Print /Display Media List This option allows you to view, and print details of instruments lodged in an inward clearing zone.
PDXLOP Lodging Exceptional Post Dated Cheques The menu option allows you to lodge exceptional post dated cheques. Exceptional post dated cheques are the cheques that had bounced. Using this option you can lodge liquidation PDCs, overdue PDCs and those PDCs that are not lodged on the regular installment date.
PENDDRP Pending Deposits Receipt Print This option allows you to generate a receipt of pending deposits.
PHINQ Inquiry on History of Partition A/c This option is used to inquire on the details of a partitioned account and print the partition history details.
PICS Print Inward Clearing Schedule This option prints the inward clearing schedule.
PICW Print Inward Clearing Waste This option prints a list of all the instruments, along with the part transaction details, for a selected zone.
PITM Public Issue Maintenance This option is used to create new public issue codes and maintain details for existing ones.
PLBANK Print P & L for Entire Bank This option allows you to print the profit and loss report of the bank.
PLBRAN Print P & L Report for Branch This option allows you to print the profit and loss report for a particular branch.
PLDUMP Dump P & L Report Data for HO This option allows you to generate dump reports of all profit and loss records of head office accounts for the given criteria.
PLIST Pending Installments List This option is used to obtain a list and inquire into RD accounts which have pending installments.
PLR Partywise Liability Register This option is used to print the Partywise Liability Register for PCs.
PMEMO Foreign Bills Presentation Memo This option gives details of the bills covering the schedule that is to be sent to a foreign correspondent bank.
POVDPC Partywise Overdue Packing Credits This option is used to print the Party-wise Overdue Packing Credits Advances report.
PPT Proxy Post Transaction In Entered Status The PPT option allows you to proxy post all the transactions, which are in the partly posted status.
PR Print Reports This option allows you to inquire on the entries made in the print queue table.
PRGI Purge Table Inquiry This option allows you to inquire on tables that have been purged.
PRGMT Purge Table Maintenance This option allows you to maintain details of purged data.
PRIBRGEN Gen. Intermediate IBR files for Branch Using this option, sequential files can be sent to the destination datacenter/branch with current data at any time during the day .
PRR11A PRR-11A Quarterly Statement of Guarantee This option generates a report, that includes all guarantees that are invoked, marked as invoked, whose margin percentage is not 100, that have expired, whose grace period expires on the As on Date specified.
PRR11B PRR-11B Monitoring of Guarantees This option generates a report that, includes all guarantees whose guarantee amount is greater than the amount specified in the Guarantee Amount Low field. The report may include DPGs.
PRR11C Report of guarantees / DPG This option generates a report, that contains Deferred payment guarantees and a summary of all guarantees that are less than the specified amount.
PRR12 PRR12 (Old PR-12) Certificate This option generates a report regarding expiry date of Pronotes / Acknowledgment of Debts/Securities and correctness of Loan Papers.
PRR15 PRR15 Advances to Sectors This report gives details of sanction limits granted to customers (accounts) in each sector.
PRR15B Sectorwise Overdue PCs Statement – PRR15B This option is used to generate a report of all overdue packing credit accounts listed sectorwise.
PRR2 PRR2 Monthly review of irregular A/c A report including a list of irregular accounts is generated through this option.
PRR25 PRR25 Report of rejected cheques This option generates a report, that gives a list of all rejected cheques and the reason for which it has been rejected.
PRR2B Report on Irregular Packing Credits This option is used to generate a report that lists the packing credit accounts, for which payments are irregular, as per the criteria specified.
PRR38 PRR38 Statement of Daily Cash Position This option generates a report that, gives the daily cash position in the bank for a specified period.
PRR4B PRR4B Review of DPG’s This option generates a report that, gives details of Deferred Payment Guarantees (DPGs) that have been issued to customers.
PRR8 PRR8 Credit and review program This option generates a report in which sanction limits that are granted by the sanctioning authority and, expiry dates of the limits, are reported.
PRRTL Ratelist Printing This option generates a  report, that prints the exchange rates according to the rate code.
PRT Printer Table Maintenance This option allows you to identify and maintain printers related to Finacle.
PRTCON Print Consolidated Report This option allows you to generate a consolidated report as on a particular date. The input file (that contains the data) and the format file (defined using the Mahareport) should be specified before the report is generated.
PRTINQ Printer Queue Inquiry & Updation This option allows you to inquire into the entries made in the print queue table using the Background Menu.
PRTMR Printing Maha Reports Using this option, you can:
§ retrieve information for the report from an input file;
§ define the report format; and
§ print the report in a specified format.
PSD Print Subsidiaries This option allows you to generate reports of balances at the GL level. You can print subsidiaries like the daybook, general ledger summary, the Friday statement to be submitted to the RBI and other relevant subsidiaries of the branch.
PSE Purchase Sale Entry This option allows you to put entries of all transactions (involving non-home currency) on purchases and sales for a particular service outlet into the Purchase and Sale Transaction (PST) table. This option will by default not generate PST entries if both the legs of a transaction are in the same currency.
PSGL Print Subsidiaries This option allows you to generate reports of balances at the GL level. You can print subsidiaries like the daybook, general ledger summary, Friday statement to be submitted to the RBI and other relevant subsidiaries of the branch.
PSP Pass Sheet Print This option is used to print the pass sheet for a specified account. Using this option you can print pass sheets either for the principal customer only or for all the customers associated with the account.
PSR1 PSR 1: FLASH Report This option generates a report that gives a list of deposits, loans, details of interests paid and collected during various periods.
PSR11 PSR11 REPORT This option generates a report that comprises of two parts:
n Part I – Gives details of the total loan amount sanctioned to a group of customers.
n Part II – Gives details of the total outstanding amount due from a group of customers.
PSR14 Statement on Exporters Assisted This report generates a statement regarding the pre / post-shipment Finance and advances against cash incentives and duty drawbacks for a particular commodity.
PSR16 PSR16 Breakup of Dep & Adv-Int Ratewise This option generates a report that classifies deposits and advances according to the interest rate. It comprises of three parts, the Domestic Deposit section, the Advances section and the FCNR section.
PSR2 PSR2 Statement of deployment of funds This option allows you to generate a report on the distribution of funds among various industries and the advance given to each organization in a particular industry, for a given date, one or all the service outlets.
PSR29 PSR29 – Agricultural Loans Return This option generates a report that gives a detailed statement on loans disbursed towards agricultural purposes. It gives details regarding total demand amount, recovery made against total demand amount, outstanding balances, etc.
PSR32 PSR32 Sanction Limits For Accounts This option generates a report that, gives details of sanction limits for accounts that have been opened during a specified period. The accounts are classified according to the ‘purpose’ for which the advance has been taken.
PSR49 PSR49 Quarterly Statement on Int. A/c This option generates a report that gives details of the inflow and outflow of funds on the interest suspense accounts of the bank for a specified period in a particular year.
PSR7 PSR7 Advances to Specified Communities This option generates a report that, gives details of advances granted to specific communities under a particular sub-sector.
PSTTUM Pay Sys Transfer Tran Upload Maintenance This option is used to upload inter-bank payment system transactions.
PTM Post Dated Transactions Maintenance This option allows you to enter transactions with a future date. Events, such as posting of cheques bearing a future date, may require to be posted with a value date, which may be a few days later.
PTTM Part Tran Template Maintenance This option is used to collect charges for a particular business event. The credit part of the charge transactions is set up here. The transaction amount in each of the part transaction can be modified through this option.
PTW Print Transfer Waste This option allows you to generate and print consolidated reports. You can print four types of reports – ATM transactions, LORO messages, requests for cheque books and statements and a failed transactions report.
PUACC Account Purge This option allows you to purge accounts that have been closed on or before a particular date. You can specify criteria for selection of accounts to be purged.
PUCMG Purge Customer Master table This option purges all customer records satisfying the given criteria. After the purge is complete, the system will generate a report giving details of the records that are purged. If the customer has any cross reference, another report giving details of all customers with references in other tables along with the record having the customer reference is generated.
PUCXL Charges Transaction Log Purge This option  allows you to purge the details of the general charges in the GCH table based on the criteria specified. The purged data is moved from the TBAADM profile to the TBABKP profile with the same table  Names.
PUDISB Batch Purging Of Disbursements This option allows you to purge RPC disbursements.
PUEXP Batch Purging of Export Orders This option allows you to purge export orders. Only closed or deleted export orders that have been verified can be purged.
PUGCH General Charges Purge This option allows you to purge the details of the general charges in the GCH table based on the criteria specified. The purged data is moved from the TBAADM profile to the TBABKP profile with the same table  Names.
PUIZC Purge Inward Clearing Zone code table Using this option, you can purge inward clearing zone code table records. The Inward Clearing Zone Code Table (IZC) is purged.
PUIZH Inward Clearing Zone code table This option allows you to can purge inward clearing zone code table records.
PULGT Purge Login log table This option is used to purge the login table records.
PULN Limit Node Purge This option allows you to purge limit nodes.
PULNTH Limit Node Transaction / History Purge This option allows you to purge the limit node transaction history details.
PUOZC Purge Outward clearing zone code This option is used to purge outward clearing zone code table records.
PURZO Purge Outward Zone This option is used to purge outward clearing zone records.
PUSIH Standing Instructions Purge This option is used to purge the Standing Instructions for the criteria specified. At the time of purging, if SIs with cross-references to other tables exist, a report is generated stating the details of the references.
PUSWIFT Purge Swift Msg History table This option is used for purging the SWIFT Message History (SMH) table, which stores all SWIFT messages generated for a specific duration. Using this option you can remove any old messages or messages that are not required.
PUTDACC Purge term Deposit Accounts This menu option allows you to purge term deposit type of accounts that have been closed on or before a particular date. You can specify the criteria for selection of accounts to be purged.
PUTRAN Transaction Purge Using this menu option, you can specify selection criteria for purging financial transactions up to a specific date. By varying the criteria, you can use this option for either an ad hoc run or the actual purge.
PUWF Workflow Audit Purge All completed workflow threads created in the ADTWFS repository are audited for future reference. Using this option, you can purge these audit records.
PWMNT Password Maintenance This option deals with different types of passwords and their features, the guidelines for selecting passwords and maintaining them.
PWO Print Waste This option is used to print the outward clearing waste for a selected zone. This report indicates the details of all the instruments lodged in an outward clearing zone and also the control total classified according to GL sub heads.
QBR Quick Balancing Report This option allows you to generate a balancing report for a GL Subhead Code.
RACO Recovery After Charge Off This option facilitates recovery of loan and loan interest after a loan account has been written off using the Charge Off / Reversal of Loan Account (COLA) option.
RBSN Reset Bill Sequence Numbers This option is used only if the NNTM option has been run for generating bill numbers. At the change of the financial year, the bank would like to restart the bill number from serial number 1. This option allows you to do the same.
RBTI Register Table Balance Inquiry This option is used to inquire on the balances for the various categories to be reported in RReturn.
RDD Ratewise Distribution of Deposits This option is used to print an interest ratewise breakup of deposit accounts.
RDM Report Definition Maintenance This option enables you to set parameters while defining a report.
RECSHF Shortfall Recovery Process This option generates a report of all accounts from which shortfall amount was recovered. This option is BJS (Batch Job Scheduler) enabled.
REDRP Reprint Deposits Receipt This option is used to reprint deposit receipts when some details regarding deposit accounts have changed. This option can  be used to maintain an inventory of deposit receipts that have been manually prepared. This option also allows you to print details of individual denominations for CD type of accounts.
REGFLOW Deposit Flow Regeneration This option allows you to regenerate flows for deposit accounts after TDS calculation.This option is BJS (Batch Job Scheduler) enabled.
REJREP Rejected Instruments Report/Advice This option allows you to generate a report of all the cheques rejected at the counter or during clearing operations in your service outlet or all the service outlets belonging to your set. The option also allows you to generate a consolidated report of all counter rejects for the HO.
RELACI Related Accounts Lookup For Deposits You can inquire on related accounts using the RELACI option.
REMPRINT Print a Foreign Outward DD This option is used for outward remittance of a demand draft.
REPHASEI Batch Rephasement of EI Loans This option facilitates batch rephasement of EI loans.
REVAL Revaluation This option facilitates revaluation of currency. A list of currency combinations can be revalued at the rate specified by the user.
REVPEND Revoke Pending This option is used to revoke instruments which are marked as pending. Shadow balance for pending instruments can be regularized.
REVMAT Revised Maturity Report The  option is used to generate a report that gives the revised maturity report for all term deposit accounts.
REVSTOP Revoke stop payment This option allows you to revoke stop payment instructions given for instruments.
RFTDS Refund TDS This option allows you to refund the TDS amount.
RINTINQ Interest Inquiry For RPC Accounts This option allows you to view interest details of RPC accounts like the interest accrued, interest paid, interest collected, etc.
RINTRPT Interest Report For RPC Disbursements This option generates a report for interest collected (normal or additional interest) from Running Packing Credit accounts.
RISAT Reconcile Inter SOL ATM Transactions This option is used to create responding transactions for offline ATM transactions.
RIST ISO Reconciliation This option is used for Inter SOL (ISO) reconciliation. This option should be executed before the ABH menu option is executed.
RLH Rebuild Limit History This option is used to rebuild limit history from the limit node transactions.
RMI Read Media Input This option is used to upload inward clearing data from media, for example, a floppy.
RMIM Restrict Modify Indicator Maintenance Using this option, you can restrict the modifications on transactions entered using the TM option. Similarly, restrictions created by the system can also be modified.
RMTDS Remit TDS This option allows you to maintain remittance details.
ROTM Report Option Table Maintenance This option allows you to maintain values for all the reports that are possible in Finacle. It also allows you to modify and change the  Name of MRT generated for various modules. This option allows the user to maintain various files in a single list for an option, and select a file from that list at the time of execution. i.e. a variety of scripts can be written for the same function and can be specified in ROTM.
RPCINT Interest For RPC Disbursements Using this option, you can calculate interest on running packing credit accounts alone.
RPCRPT Reports Of RPC Accounts The RPCRPT option generates a report that meets three requirements, based on the criteria selected. This menu option is applicable only to RPC accounts. The three options available are:
1. Identification of the source of offset credit
2. Dishonored bills which have been used to liquidate PC accounts or disbursements
3. Statement of account for RPC accounts
RPCTM RPC Transactions Maintenance This option facilitates transaction Maintenance for running packing credit accounts only.
RPDA Retransfer Past Due Accounts Using this option, you can transfer past due accounts back to a regular GL Sub Head from the past due GL.
RRCDI Reference Code Inquiry This option allows you to inquire into details of reference codes that are set up using the RRCDM option.
RRCDM Reference Code Maintenance Using this option, you can maintain reference codes. These codes are set up at the data center.
RRCTM Reporting Range Criteria Maintenance Flexibility in generating reports is achieved by specifying the range keys to be used for each part of the report. A range key is a set of ranges of report codes. This range can be set using this option.
RRETURN R-Return and Schedules Statements This option allows you to compile and generate the RReturn in its latest format.
RRETURN5 R Return5 Report This statement is an RBI report that Indian banks must submit three times in a month (the 10th, 20th and last day of the month).
RRTM Resp Tran Ref Table Maintenance Using this option you can set the transaction category code for DDA scheme type. These accounts are retrieved as default accounts for posting transactions during IBRPOST.
RTDSIS Refresh Table Data to Standin Server Using this option, you can download the replication data at Finacle and upload the same to the Central Stand-in Server.
RTHQRY Ratelist History Query This option provides the history of exchange rates between two currencies, for a specified period.
RUM Report Of Untranslated Messages This report gives details of messages that were not translated during the customization process, such as file source type and serial number. Using this option, you can trace the untranslated messages easily. This option also helps to identify new messages added during Finacle upgrade.
RZFSBO Regularize Shadow Balance This option is used to regularize shadow balance for a selected zone.
RZISBO Release Zone Into Shadow Balance This option is used to release a selected zone into shadow balance.
SAC User Login Maintenance This option allows you to delete or inquire upon the users, batch jobs and daemon processes that are in use.
SASCL System Asset Classification Using this option, you can specify criteria by which the system will select assets for classification.
SBKP Start Backup of TBABKP tables This option allows you to take a back up of all the tables owned by the Finacle user, TBABKP.
SCFM System Control File Maintenance This option is used to set up parameters at the Group and Service Outlet level which will regulate the functioning of the SOL / group.
SCPM SCP Table Maintenance This table stores the HO account details for inter-service outlet transactions of different types, e.g., cash withdrawal, cash deposit, funds transfer.
SCST Stop Cash Transactions The SCST option is used to stop the entry of cash transactions at any point of time during the day.  Cash transactions that have already been entered can also be modified.
SCWRPT Shroff Cash Report This is a report that can be generated everyday for the cash part transactions that have been entered or posted by the teller/cashier.
SCWRPTA Shrof Cash Rpt-All This option generates a report everyday for the cash part transactions that have been entered or posted by the teller/cashier.
SDAI SQL*DBA Audit Table Inquiry Using this option, you can inquire into the actions of the DBA.
SDD Schemewise Distribution of Deposits This option is used to print a schemewise breakup of deposit accounts. All deposit accounts matching the specified criteria for selection are listed and grouped according to the applicable scheme code.
SDLM Sol Distribution List Table Maintenance Using this option, you can maintain parameters such as host  Name, IP Address and port number, vis-à-vis the various messaging, replication and operating console services between the Finacle database, Stand-in Server and Finacle@Branch.
SEL Superceding Expired Limits Using this option you can set the limits for expired OD/CC accounts to zero. This checks that no further transactions are allowed on the account. Facility is also available to exclude accounts with free code 10.
SETM Set Id Table Maintenance This menu option is used to create and maintain Set IDs.
SHOWSUMM Decrypt received IBR files Summaries of files that have been received and created at the branch and the IBR center can be viewed by invoking this option.
SIADVC Print SI Advice to Customer Using this option, you can print multiple advices/vouchers for standing instructions based on criteria specified.
SICL Print SI Covering Letter to Customer This option allows you to generate and print a covering letter for Standing Instructions of utility payments like insurance, that have been executed.
SIE Standing Instructions Execution This option is invoked when:
§ you want to execute SIs scheduled for Any Time During Day (D).
§ you want to execute those scheduled for After Business Hours (A).
§ you want to execute Every time (E) – this includes both the above.
§ when you want to execute at the beginning of the day (B).
SIETR SIs Executed Today Report This option is used to generate a report on all standing instructions that have been executed for the day.
SII Standing Instructions Inquiry The option is used to inquire on Standing Instructions maintained by the system based on the selection criteria.
SIM Standing Instruction Maintenance This option is used to add, modify, delete or undelete standing instructions in the table. A list of the various standing instructions can also be obtained. You can verify standing instructions for which authorization is pending or cancel standing instructions, which are pending verification. Inquiries are also possible through this option. This option also handles standing instructions in multi-currency and across different service outlets.
SIMM StockInvest Maintenance This option is used to maintain details which include issuing and printing StockInvests, marking StockInvests as lost, activating StockInvests previously marked as lost, modifying the lien on accounts and inquiring into StockInvest details.
SIR StockInvest Reports All reports relevant to the StockInvest module can be printed using this option. This supports printing of the StockInvest Register, StockInvest History Report, StockInvest Reports and Lien Reports.
SIREGM StockInvest Register Maintenance Details relevant for a StockInvest issue are maintained in registers. This option is used to maintain StockInvest registers.
SIRP Standing Instructions Register Printing This option is used to generate a report on Standing Instructions based on the execution time and frequency. The SI Register can be generated using this option or by automatically scheduling it through the batch job scheduler.
SITM SIT Table Maintenance This option generates a report with details such as the SDS, IP Address and the port number in which the SDS control process is listening.
SMI Swift Messages Inquiry This option allows you to inquire on SWIFT messages generated by the system based on the selection criteria. This option also facilitates viewing, printing, and transferring SWIFT messages to a file.
SMM Swift Messages Maintenance This option deals with modification and completion of SWIFT messages generated on the occurrence of an event. It also provides a mechanism for resending messages that have been transferred.
SOLBOD Initiate Service Outlet BOD Process This is a process process run by the user at a service outlet at the start of each working day.
SOLEOD Initiate SOL EOD Process This process is run by the user at the Service Outlet at the end of each working day.
SOLOFF Start Sol’s Services Offline This option is used to switch the SOL to the offline mode.
SOLONL Start Sol’s Services Online If the Sol does not go online as part of the EOD process, or in case of network failure, you can use this option to switch the Sol to the online mode.
SOLSTAT Service Outlets Status Inquiry Using this option you can inquire on the online status of the SOL falling under a particular SOL Set. The Service Outlet Status is the EOD or BOD complete or incomplete status of various Service Outlets.
10 Run Service Outlets Validation Process Using this option a SOL can be validated. It is a process run by the central user or a service outlet before invoking EOD.
SPMM SPM Table Maintenance This option is used to set up the parameters that control inter-service outlet transactions in the ANYWHERE module.
SPP Stop Payment Processing This option enables you to stop a single cheque or a series of cheque payments.
SPPAU Stop Payment Processing This option enables you to authorize stop payment/revoke payment on cheques.
SPRG Stop Payment Register This generates a report where the cheques that are stopped or revoked will be listed.
SPTM System Pointing Transactions Maintenance All proxy posted outstanding system pointing transactions must be reversed to original accounts. This can be done online using this option.
SPTR System Pointing Transaction Reversal This is a batch program through which all proxy posted, outstanding, system pointing transactions are reversed to the original accounts. If the system fails to post the reversal transactions, a report is generated giving the details of the failure or exceptions.
SPWADM Sparrow Administration This option facilitates administration of log files created in the working directory of the module user by a trusted user.
SQLDBA SQL*DBA This option facilitates administration of the log files by a trusted user. It allows you to perform DBA – related operations from the SQL prompt.
SRBBR Statistical Report on Bills This option is used to generate a report on bill statistics for a branch based on a particular customer or  branch.
SRGPM Schm/Reg General Parameter Maintenance This option maintains the general parameters for registers or schemes at various levels without modifying the respective tables.
SRL Security Register Lookup This option allows you to view the details of the records maintained through the SRM option.
SRM Security Register Maintenance This option is used to link a security to a limit node or an account.
SRMRPTS Security Register Module Reports Using this option reports on charge details, security details, life insurance, fire and vehicles insurance and other registers, can be generated.
SSRM Maintenance of SOL SDS Relationship Using this option, you can establish the service outlet and Gateway SDS relationship.
SSS System Substitution of Securities The following information for a specified range of accounts are maintained:
§ The dates of Stock Statements and QIS Statements that are due; and
§ The dates on which these statements are actually submitted.
When these statements are not submitted on the due date, the system generates substitute securities after this batch process is run.
SSTM Set Sol Id Table Maintenance This option is used to associate a service outlet or a group of service outlets to a set.
STAT10 Stat 10 Report This report gives the inflow/outflow of Deposits under the Resident Foreign Currency Account Scheme.
STAT5 Stat 5 Report This report gives the details on inflow/outflow of deposits under Foreign Currency Non Residents (FCNR) accounts for a given period.
STAT8 Stat 8 Report This report gives the inflow/outflow details of deposits in Non – Residents Rupee (NRE) accounts.
STAT9 Stat 9 Report This report gives the inflow/outflow details of deposits under Non-Resident Non-Repatriable (NRNR) rupee accounts.
STOPPAY Stop Payment This option allows you to accept stop payment on instruments.
STR11 STR 11 : RBI Statement This option generates the statement of business position. It gives an insight into the position of the bank as on a given date.
STR11A STR 11A : RBI Statement This option generates a report that is similar to the STR11 report, except that it can be generated any number of times unlike STR11, which can be generated only once on each notified Friday.
STR14 STR14: Adv to Undertakings under MRTP The bank can give advances to customers under the MRTP Act. This option generates a report with details of all such advances given to customers.
STR19 STR19 Insurance covered guarantee report The option generates a report giving the details of distribution of deposits across various accounts.
STR8 STR8 List of Secured & Unsecured Advance This option generates a report that consists of a list of customers who have availed of advances up to a specified limit.
SUSPTRAN Suspect Transactions Report This option allows you to generate a report of all suspect transactions. You can generate a report of transactions for which the responding transactions have been received but the originating transactions are yet to be received at the IBR center.
SWAB Start Warm Backup This option allows you to take a backup of all the data files when users are logged on. This option can be used only if the database is in the archive log mode. Generally, this option is used when the transactions are very low or minimal.
SWBALDL Sparrow Balance Downloading The balance download file contains the following information:
§ Account numbers
§ Clear balance
§ Available balance
§ Account status
SWCARDDL Sparrow Card Downloading The details of the cards issued during the day have to be updated in the switch at the end of day. The information can be updated in the switch in two ways:
§ Manually at the switch.
§ Transferring the information from the Finacle host to the switch.
SWCM Card Account Info Maintenance This option allows you to link multiple accounts to a card.
SWDESP Switch transaction despatcher Both on-line and off-line transactions are logged in the Finacle host. All these transactions are created and posted by the Despatcher process. A standard BFTI report is generated and printed at the end of the process. The report gives the results, if the process is run successfully, else it gives the reasons for failure of erroneous transactions. All Sparrow transactions are created automatically when the message is authorized, if there is an error in the process, it is reported when the Despatcher is run.
SWEEPS Pool of Funds Maintenance This option allows you to maintain a pool of funds for a given customer. Using this menu option you can maintain all accounts of the customer which in turn forms his pool of funds.
SWHOTDL Sparrow Card Status Downloading The banks can mark certain cards as ‘Hot’ or ‘Warm’.
§ Hot cards:
These cards cannot be used for any transactions. The ATM retains the card if it is inserted into the machine.
§ Warm cards:
These cards cannot be used for transactions but are returned to the customer.
The hot card download procedure creates and downloads a file containing the card numbers and card status of hot and warm cards. This option has to be invoked specifically whenever required.
SWMINDL Sparrow Mini Statement Downloading The mini statement download creates a file that contains details of the last ten transactions carried out on the accounts of all cardholders. This enables the switch to provide details of the last few transactions that have taken place whenever a request is made. The procedure is similar to Balance Download. This option has to be invoked specifically whenever required.
SWOTU Switch Offline Transaction Upload The Switch Off-line Transaction upload creates a file containing the details of all the off-line transactions carried out at the switch on the accounts of all cardholders. This updates the host.
SWSTATM Switch Parameter Maintenance Certain parameters have to be set up in the Finacle database before the switch becomes functional. This option is used to set up these parameters.
SWTI Switch Transaction Inquiry The SWTI option in used to inquire on transactions related to switch.
SXFT Stop Transfer Transactions This option is used to stop the entry of transfer type transactions at any point of time during the day. However, modifications to transfer transactions already entered can be done.
SYSADM System Administration If virtual users have not been created, the default directory where the log files are written is the SYS directory. This directory can be accessed using this option, which facilitates administration of log files created in the working directory of the module user by a trusted user. It allows the user to login to the OS and save, print or delete files.
TACBSH Transfer Accounts between Sub-heads This option is used to transfer accounts between sub-heads. It can be used to transfer an account that has been opened under a wrong sub head to the appropriate sub head.
TCCM Trans Category Code Maint This option is used to create and maintain transaction category codes belonging to the scheme type DDA.
TCPI Teller Wise Cash Position Inquiry This option facilitates inquiry into the cash position of tellers in a multi-currency environment and gives information on self/user location currency position.
TCPIA Teller Wise Cash Position Inquiry / All Using the option, any user can access information about the currency position handled by different tellers, based on the employee ID.
TD Delete Posted Part Transactions Using this option, you can delete part transactions of non-customer accounts that have been posted.
TDL Transaction Download This option allows you to download transaction details.
TDLU Transaction Download Utilities This option allows you to download transaction details.
TDSCALC TDS Calculation Using this option, you can calculate the TDS and generate a report for a particular customer. You can also specify a range of accounts for which the report has to be generated.
TDSIP TDS Inquiry & Printing Using this option you can inquire on and print reports pertaining to TDS.
TDSM TDS Table Maintenance This option maintains details of the customer’s TDS certificate and related details.
TDSREP Customer Wise TDS Report(A/c Level Tax) Using this option, you can generate a TDS report for a particular customer. You can also specify a range of accounts for which the report has to be generated.
TEA Transactions Exceptions Approval Using this option, exceptions encountered while entering a transaction, can be approved. This option can be used only by authorized users.
TEDCS Terminal Enable/Disable For every Terminal that is defined in Finacle, the DBA has the permission to set up parameters to indicate whether the Terminal is enabled or disabled. A general user can Enable/ disable only her/ his particular Terminal. Users can login to Finacle only on those Terminals that are enabled. The TEDCS option allows you to maintain only your Terminal.
TEDDB Terminal Enable/Disable This option allows the DBA to Enable/ disable all user Terminals.
TEI Transactions Exceptions Inquiry This option allows you to inquire into the exceptions encountered while entering a transaction.
TEPM Transaction Event Parameter Maintenance This option is used to set up auto proxy posting for a specific event ID. The system uses this set up to create additional part transactions during reversal of proxy accounts.
TFCTM Transaction Filtration Criteria Maint This option allows you to specify selection criteria for generating reports. Criteria for selection of transactions can be specified and assigned a filter number. This filter number can be used during the generation of reports.
TI Transactions Inquiry This option allows you to inquire into all types of transactions irrespective of whether they were created by the system, entered using the TM option, batch transactions, etc.
TIDT Treasury Interface Data Transfer This option is used to to transfer FC transaction entries by batches from the Finacle database to the external treasury system.
TLR Transactions List Report This option can be used to:
§ Print a report of all IBR transaction information received from the IBR Center.
§ Print a report of all unacted IBR transactions received from IBR but not acted upon by the IBRPOST option.
§ Print a report of details of various SDS transactions originated on this branch through various Service Delivery Systems (SDS) viz., ATMs, Anywhere transactions, etc.
§ Print a report of advices generated by the IBR Center for various SDS transactions.
TM Transactions Maintenance Using this option, transactions can be created on-line for both single currency and multi-currency.
TODCS TOD Criteria and Selection You can inquire on TODs created for an account by the user or by the system. Even if the specific information is not known to create a TOD for an account, you can get the information by specifying the criteria using this option.
TODM Account TOD Maintenance This option is used to create a TOD, cancel or verify a created TOD and modify and inquire on the TODs for a specified account. The access to this option depends on the user work class.
TODRP TOD Register Printing This option is used to generate a register containing the TOD details, based on the specified criteria.
TPM Terminal Profile Maintenance Using this option you can create Terminal profiles. You will need to create different classes for each Terminal. Access privileges are accorded depending on the user as well as Terminal profiles.
TRANINQ Tran Inquiry This option allows you to inquire on financial transactions that have taken place within a specified period.
TRANLIST Tran list display This option allows you to view a list of transactions that have taken place within a specified period.
TROFSETS Transfer Of Sets This option is used to transfer sets between zones. You cannot transfer sets that are released and regularized.
TRSTDUSR Trusted Users Maintenance This option allows you to add, delete or list trusted users. Trusted users are users of the database with privileges like invoking the SQL, cleaning the user entry from the database if the user is abnormally logged out, etc.
TRSWIFT Transfer Swift Messages This option is used to transfer SWIFT messages that are complete and ready for transfer and messages that are to be resent. On invoking this option the messages for a given Sol ID are written to a file.
TRTRAN Transfer Transaction Using this option a user can transfer funds between accounts.
TRTRI Treasury Transaction Report and Inquiry This option generates a report on the transactions posted to the Treasury SOL of the bank.
TRUNHIST Purge of tables Using this option you can purge tables. All the records that belong to the specified table are purged.
TSTC Treasury Sol Transaction Creation Using this option, FC transaction entries can be trnsferred from the external treasury system to the Finacle database. This option functions like a batch job. Only a TREASURY module user, using the treasury enabled SOL can run this batch job.
TSTM Treasury Sol Transaction Maintenance Using this option, you can generate a list of all transactions that encountered errors during posting.
TTM Transaction Template Maintenance For transactions of a recurring  nature, it is easy to create templates and use them when required. Templates can be created for transactions such as payment of salary, transfer of funds, etc. These templates can be copied and used in this option.
TTUM Transfer Transaction Upload Maintenance The TTUM option is used to upload the transfer transactions into Finacle for posting.
TTUMP Transfer Trans Upload Maint.(Posting) This option is used to upload transactions for immediate posting by the system. The date of each transaction must be the BOD date.
TV Transaction Posting/Verification Using this option, you can inquire into posting and verification of transactions that have been entered on a given date.
TVSI Term Deposits Interest Slabs Inquiry This option allows you to inquire on interest slab set for term deposits.
TVSM Term Deposit Interest Version Slab Maint This option is used to set up different interest rates for different periods of a term deposit. You can use the TVSM option to define:
§ Common interest rates for different contract periods
§ Different interest rates for specific periods of each contract
TXOD Transfer to Overdue GL Sub-head This process transfers the deposit amount required to square off the loan/advance amount held against this deposit account.
TXTMNT Text Maintenance Using this option, different messages, instructions, list of documents and conditions relating to a DC can be maintained. It is possible to prepare different texts for different DCs in advance and link the same to a DC using the IDCM or ODCM option.
UBDTR Usance Bills Discounted -POR7 This option is used to generate a report on the discounted Usance Bills (BE/LBD).
UCS Update Cheque Status This option allows you to update the status of a cheque for a customer account.
UNIVIEW Unified View Of Accounts You can see a unified view of central bank Nostro accounts in the Finacle database. You can generate a list of all the transactions and corresponding account balances. You can view the consolidated fund position of the bank, including treasury transactions.
UNIZ Unlock Inward Zone Using this menu option, you can unlock the inward clearing zone provided you are the only person performing operations for that zone. Access to this option can be restricted based on the user’s work class.
UNLKZ Unlock Zone A zone can get locked when an option in outward clearing is aborted for some reason. Using this option, you can unlock the zone provided you are the only person performing operations for that zone. Access to this option can be restricted based on the user’s work class.
UNREC IBR Open Orig/Resp Entries Reports This option allows you to generate a report for originating and responding entries that have not been reconciled from the participating branches.
UNRESP Unresponded Transactions Report(Br) This option gives a list of IBR entries not responded at the branch level after IBR advice is received from the IBR center.
UPLATO Account Turn Over Upload This option is used to upload account turnover data.
UPLCI Customer Instructions Upload This option is used to upload Customer Instructions details for term deposits of scheme types DDA and TDA.
UPLDHT Drawing Power History Upload This option is used to upload Drawing Power details.
UPLDLH DSA Document Limit History Upload This option uploads DSA document limit history details.
UPLDSA Upload for DSA Module This option uploads details related to Direct Selling Agents.
UPLDST Demand Draft Status Upload This option is uploads the status of unpaid demand drafts to Finacle.
UPLEAB EOD Account Balance Upload This option is used to upload End of the day Account Balance (EAB) details.
UPLGST GL Subhead Transaction Upload This option is used to upload data from the GST table.
UPLIAR IAR Upload This option uploads data in the Interest Adjustment Register based on the records in the TDS table.
UPLINTVS Interest Slab Version Upload This option uploads interest slab version data.
UPLLAM Loan Master Upload This option provides uploading facility for loan accounts.
UPLLAT Loan Transaction Upload This option allows the user to upload transactions related to loan accounts.
UPLLHT Limit History Upload This option is used to upload Limit History data to LHT and LHET tables.
UPLLIEN LIEN Upload This option is used to upload current/active Lien records.
UPLMPT Memo Pad Upload This option is used to upload Memo Pad details.
UPLOAD Customer / Account Master Upload This option is used for uploading customer details and the account details for SB/CA/CC/OD type of accounts.
UPLOADB Account Master Balance Upload This option is used to upload the balances of savings, current, cash credit, and overdraft accounts are to be entered into the system.
UPLPFT Pool of Funds Upload This option uploads pool of funds details.
UPLSI Standing Instructions Upload This option is used to upload Standing Instruction details.
UPLSPT Stop Payment Upload This option is used to upload details of the cheques marked for stop payment.
UPLSRM Security Register Details Upload This option is used to upload security register Maintenance details.
UPLTAM Term Deposits Master Upload This option allows you to upload account details of term deposits.
UPLTDS TDS Upload This option allows you to upload TDS details.
UPLTDS1 TDS upload – Phase 1 This option gives details of accounts for which TDS upload has to be done.
UPLTDS2 TDS Upload – PHASE 2 This option is used to upload all tax related details of a customer for the last financial year.
UPLTDT Term Deposits Transaction Upload This option allows you to upload transactions for term deposits.
UPLTOD Temporary Over Draft Upload This option is used to upload TOD details.
UPM User Profile Maintenance This option allows you to create user profiles.
UPRDNLD Download User Details This option facilitates download of Finacle user database to a file.
URT Unresponded Transactions Report This option prints a list of transactions for which there has been no response for more than a specified number of working days (excluding holidays).
VALDTRPT Outward Clearing Value Date Report This option is used to print value date report for outward clearing.
VAM Verification Audit Maintenance This option allows you to inspect all transactions that have been ‘auto-verified’ either by the user or by the workflow daemon.
VCHL Verification Check List This option is used to print a report with a list of selected outward clearing transaction sets.
VCHR Print DR/CR Voucher Using this option you can print debit and credit vouchers for transactions related to a given set of accounts or currency.
VTPM Virtual Terminal Profile Maintenance This option allows you to maintain virtual Terminal profiles.
WCUMM CUMM Workflow Customized Workflow option
WDSAMM Workflow for Direct Selling Agents Mnt. Customized Workflow option
WFORM Work Flow For Outward Remit Maintenance This option allows you to process traveler’s cheques and currencies using a workflow.
WIAAL What If Analysis of Account Liability This option is used to perform a What-if Analysis on Account Liability after the accounts have been transferred to a Past Due GL subhead for calculation of interest on various rates at the time of closure/ compromise.
WRTCTC Change Test case Customized Workflow option
XFCHACAU Transfer Cheques between Accounts Using this option you can authorize cheque transfer.
XFCHBAC Transfer Cheques between Accounts This option facilitates transfer of cheques between accounts that belong to the same customer.
XOSCHRG XOS Charge Calculation This option is used to generate a report on bank charges collected for export overdue bills as reported in the XOS statement.
XOSSTMT XOS Statement This option is used to generate the Export Bills Overdue Statement to be sent to the RBI.

You can download the excel version of these finacle menus below.


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